@theguardian.com 4 years ago G7 plan ‘will slash UK tax revenue from US tech firms’ say experts
@thehill.com 4 years ago Hillicon Valley: DC attorney general files antitrust lawsuit against Amazon | DHS to require pipeline companies to report cyberattacks | Activists, parents urge Facebook to drop Instagram for kids plan
@WSJ 4 years ago Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft are each a tech behemoth in their own right—and the ways they rely on one another as partners, while also competing as rivals, help shape Big Tech’s clout on.wsj.com
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago A Republican House antitrust committee member said he won't take money from Facebook, Google, or Amazon amid increasing big tech scrutiny
@thehill.com 4 years ago Hillicon Valley: Ballots go out in Amazon union battle in Alabama | Hackers breach, attempt to poison Florida city's water supply | Facebook to remove posts with false claims about vaccines
@thehill.com 4 years ago Hillicon Valley: Parler sues Amazon, asks court to reinstate platform | Twitter stock falls after Trump ban | Facebook pauses political spending in wake of Capitol attack
@forbes.com 4 years ago New EU Rules Could Fine U.S. Tech Giants Billions
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago France is pushing ahead with its tax on US Big Tech after a 10-month standoff with Trump, setting the stage for a trade war over makeup and handbags
@forbes.com 4 years ago Billionaire Leon Cooperman Knows ‘For Sure’ Election Results Will Be Challenged–Here’s His Outlook On Stocks And The Economy
@fastcompany.com 4 years ago Big Tech is spending big to turn the U.S. Senate blue next week
@nytimes.com 4 years ago Big Tech Was Their Enemy, Until Partisanship Fractured the Battle Plans
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago These entry-level jobs pay six figures at Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and Facebook – and they aren't just tech roles (AAPL, AMZN, MSFT, GOOG, FB)
@reason.com 4 years ago Don't Try To Fix Big Tech With Politics
@rt.com 4 years ago German antitrust regulator opens probe into Google over data use as part of crackdown on Big Tech
@thehill.com 4 years ago Hillicon Valley: Supreme Court rules Facebook text alerts not akin to robocalls | Republicans press Google, Apple, Amazon on Parler removals | Texas Senate blocks social media platforms from banning users based on politics
@rt.com 4 years ago Facebook & Amazon emerge as 2 biggest corporate lobbyists, as big tech breaks own spending record in 2020 election cycle – report
@welt.de 4 years ago Die Regulierung der Tech-Monopole ist eine Schicksalsfrage
@WSJ 4 years ago The U.S. suspended plans to impose tariffs of 25% on French luxury goods in response to France’s tax on big tech companies like Facebook and Amazon on.wsj.com
@qz.com 4 years ago Europe’s new antitrust rules will annoy, not topple, Big Tech
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago Seattle has become the battleground for tech giants Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft. Here's how that's keeping real-estate deals going despite the pandemic. (FB, GOOG, AMZN, MSFT)
@sueddeutsche.de 4 years ago Rekordgewinne: Tech-Konzerne profitieren von Corona-Krise
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago The Justice Dept just slapped Google with a landmark antitrust lawsuit. That could be bad news for Amazon, Facebook, and Apple. (GOOG, GOOGL)
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago 10 things in tech you need to know today
@n-tv.de 4 years ago Gesetz zu Amazon, Google und Co: Bund will mehr Kontrolle über Tech-Riesen
@rt.com 4 years ago Tech giants back Biden’s plan to charge them more tax, but loopholes are the industry’s ace in the hole
@forbes.com 4 years ago Are We There Yet? Packed Week Rolls On With Amazon Next After Solid Facebook, Apple Results
@foxnews.com 4 years ago Rep. Ken Buck stops accepting donations from Big Tech companies
@politico.com 4 years ago When Big Tech goes after Big Tech
@vox.com 4 years ago Poll: Most Americans want to break up Big Tech
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Tech platforms vowed to address racial equity: how have they fared?
@WSJ 4 years ago The Federal Trade Commission on Monday ordered Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and other big tech companies to turn over detailed, private business information about how they track Americans’ online activities and how they use that data on.wsj.com
@welt.de 4 years ago Amazon, Google, Facebook: Die Ära Biden wird einem der großen Tech-Riesen richtig wehtun - DIE WELT
@faz.net 4 years ago Den Tech-Konzernen geht es glänzend - FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
@cjr.org 4 years ago House slams monopolistic tech giants for abusing their power
@forbes.com 4 years ago Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders Are the Top 2 Political Donees at All of the 10 Biggest U.S. Tech Companies
@forbes.com 4 years ago Top Stocks To Buy Today As Tech Sell-Off Pushes Indices Lower
@politico.com 4 years ago U.S. tech giants’ vise over Israel tightens despite ceasefire
@foxnews.com 4 years ago Trump to Hannity: Big Tech should face antitrust scrutiny, slams CNN over leaked video
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago Facebook and Amazon are now the top lobbying spenders in the US
@aljazeera.com 4 years ago US Big Tech firms jostle for India’s huge digital payments market
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Blocked: how the internet turned on Donald Trump
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago 10 things in tech you need to know today
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago The FTC is ordering Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and 6 other tech firms to share how they collect, track, and use online consumer data (AMZN, FB, TWTR, GOOGL, SNAP)
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago 10 things in tech you need to know today
@WSJ 4 years ago A big day in tech: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter report earnings after the market closes. Follow along for results and analysis. on.wsj.com
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago Recruiting salaries revealed: Here's how much tech companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook pay the people finding them top talent
@abc.net.au 4 years ago 'Quite extraordinary': A quarter of your super is tied up in 'dud assets'
@forbes.com 4 years ago How To Play The FRB Wimp-Out