Amazon launches autonomous flying security camera for the home
@rt.com5 years ago
‘Nothing nefarious at all’: Backlash as ex-NSA chief, involved in mass surveillance revealed by Snowden, joins Amazon board
@forbes.com5 years ago
This Week In Credit Card News: Amazon Unveils A Smart Shopping Cart; The Security Flaws With Your Banking App
@WSJ5 years ago
Amazon is requiring employees to remove the TikTok app from mobile devices that access company email, citing unspecified security risks
@thehill.com5 years ago
Amazon asks employees to delete TikTok from mobile devices: report
@axios.com5 years ago
Amazon tells workers to delete TikTok from devices they use for work
@truthout.org5 years ago
Police Are Building Surveillance Networks of Private Security Cameras in Cities
@perezhilton.com5 years ago
Amazon Delivery Driver Caught On Camera Peeing In Front Yard After Locking Himself Out Of His Van — Oops!
@nymag.com5 years ago
I Got a Ring Doorbell Camera. It Scared the Hell Out of Me.
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
WhatsApp disclosed 12 security flaws last year, including 7 classified as 'critical,' after Jeff Bezos phone was reportedly hacked
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
The Jeff Bezos phone hack proves anyone can fall victim to cybersecurity attacks. But here's what security experts say you can do to reduce the risk.
@vox.com5 years ago
Amazon Ring sales nearly tripled in December despite hacks
@WSJ5 years ago
Amazon rolled out an array of devices, including a security drone with a camera that only turns on when it’s flying around the house
@thehill.com5 years ago
Hillicon Valley: Simulated cyberattack success | New bill for election security funding | Amazon could be liable for defective products
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Here's how security experts think hackers hijacked the Twitter accounts of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Barack Obama, and many others
@rt.com5 years ago
Amazon bans TikTok from employees’ phones, calls Chinese app a ‘security risk’
@forbes.com5 years ago
Amazon Tells Employees To Delete TikTok From Mobile Devices Citing 'Security Risks'
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Amazon reportedly told employees they have to delete TikTok from their phones due to 'security risks' (AMZN)
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
'Does Ring work with Alexa?': How to sync Ring devices with Alexa to bolster your home security system
@variety.com5 years ago
‘Making The Cut’ Premiere Recap: Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn Move to Amazon
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Hackers keep digitally breaking into people's homes and spying on them through popular Amazon doorbell device, Ring. And experts say the hacks are likely to continue.
@guardian5 years ago
NSA faces questions over security of Trump officials after alleged Bezos hack
@theguardian.com5 years ago
Sonos to deny software updates to owners of older equipment
@forbes.com5 years ago
CEO Runs Her Cybersecurity Company From Sweet Home Chicago
@WSJ5 years ago
Amazon rolled out an array of devices, including a security drone with a camera that only turns on when it’s flying around the house
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Twitter contractors reportedly spied on the accounts of Beyoncé and other celebrities by creating fake help desk tickets (TWTR)
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Some of the world's biggest Twitter accounts are hacked. Here's what we do and don't know about what's going on right now. (TWTR)
@qz.com5 years ago
Amazon is the first US company to ban TikTok for employees
@WSJ5 years ago
Amazon is requiring employees to remove the TikTok app from mobile devices that access company email, citing unspecified security risks
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
A 'staggering' failure to adopt basic security habits led to 70% of companies storing data with Amazon, Microsoft, or other big cloud vendors getting hacked or exposing data last year, researchers say (MSFT, AMZN)
@thehill.com5 years ago
DHS moving biometrics database to Amazon Cloud
@dailywire.com5 years ago
Delivery Driver Appears To Rub His Spit On Amazon Package, Report Says
@forbes.com5 years ago
Amazon And Other Online Marketplaces Facilitate Counterfeiting, U.S. Says
@theguardian.com5 years ago
NSA faces questions over security of Trump officials after alleged Bezos hack
@qz.com5 years ago
Jeff Bezos likely failed the mobile security hygiene test. Don’t be Jeff Bezos
@businessinsider.de5 years ago
Ring CEO says company's security was 'at the top of the industry standards' as devices were being hacked (AMZN)
@rt.com5 years ago
Amazon Ring unveils tiny IN-HOME DRONE to spy on your property while you’re out
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Amazon's Echo Show 5 is being bundled with Blink home security cameras for $10
@rt.com5 years ago
False start? Amazon calls TikTok ban order an ‘error’, says no policy change ‘right now’
@vox.com5 years ago
Amazon told employees to delete TikTok from their phones over “security risks”
@variety.com5 years ago
Amazon Bans TikTok From Employee Phones Over Security Concerns
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Amazon, Google, Apple, and other device makers are all working with Internet of Things researchers on new ways to protect consumer privacy (GOOG, AAPL, AMZN, MSFT)
@forbes.com5 years ago
Cybersecurity Issues? Amazon Detective Is On The Case
@thehill.com5 years ago
Hillicon Valley: Senators press Amazon over workplace safety amid outbreak | Lyft expands to deliveries | Dems seek election security funds in stimulus package
@gizmodo.com5 years ago
Horror Stories From Inside Amazon's Mechanical Turk
@kinjaroundup.kinja.com5 years ago
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
This is a rare photo of the smartphone-hacking device sold by the NSO Group, the billion-dollar Israeli spyware company accused of helping hack Jeff Bezos
@axios.com5 years ago
Amazon executives defend Ring over security, privacy concerns