@sueddeutsche.de 6 years ago Alexa, Siri und Google: Sprachassistenten verlieren ihre menschlichen Ohren
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago Amazon will now let Alexa users decide if they want the company to listen in on their conversations for testing purposes (AMZN)
@forbes.com 6 years ago How to influence product strategy if you're a Product Manager at big company like Google or Amazon
@spiegel.de 6 years ago Feldzug gegen Amazon, Facebook und Google: Trumps Kraftprobe mit "Big Tech" - SPIEGEL ONLINE
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago The 6 biggest bombshells and takeaways from tech's wild week of earnings, from Amazon to Snapchat
@spiegel.de 6 years ago Google und Amazon: Internetriesen fahren Milliardengewinne ein - SPIEGEL ONLINE
@sueddeutsche.de 6 years ago BGH-Urteil: Amazon verliert Markenstreit gegen Ortlieb
@n-tv.de 6 years ago Amazon, Google & Co.: Warum den Tech-Riesen die Zerschlagung droht
@spiegel.de 6 years ago Facebook und Co.: US-Regierung lässt gegen Online-Plattformen ermitteln
@vox.com 6 years ago Watch out, Google, Amazon, and Facebook: the Justice Department just launched a major antitrust review
@faz.net 6 years ago Wettbewerbsuntersuchung gegen Tech-Konzerne in Amerika beschlossen
@businessinsider.com 6 years ago Two gaming veterans raised $1 million from Amazon and Google to make games you can only play by voice
@golem.de 6 years ago Amazon: Alexa-Nutzer können das Mithören ausschließen - Golem.de - Golem.de
@sueddeutsche.de 6 years ago Datenschutz in der EU: Google stoppt Auswertung von Sprachaufnahmen durch Menschen
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago IBM reportedly axed as many as 100,000 employees in recent years because it wanted to appear as ‘cool’ and ‘trendy’ as Amazon or Google (IBM, GOOG, AMZN)
@thehill.com 6 years ago France urges Trump to 'not mix' digital taxes with tariffs on wine
@thehill.com 6 years ago Trump vows 'substantial reciprocal action' against France over tax targeting tech giants
@qz.com 6 years ago Elizabeth Warren is siding with Google and Amazon when it comes to digital payments
@forbes.com 6 years ago 6 Reasons Why Elizabeth Warren Is Just Plain Wrong About Breaking Up Apple, Amazon, Facebook And Google
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago Big tech's antitrust wipeout: $33 billion erased from the value of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google after DOJ announces probe
@spiegel.de 6 years ago Facebook und Co.: US-Regierung lässt gegen Online-Plattformen ermitteln - SPIEGEL ONLINE
@sueddeutsche.de 6 years ago USA: Justizministerium nimmt die Tech-Riesen ins Visier
@theguardian.com 6 years ago US justice department targets big tech firms in antitrust review
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago The Israeli firm behind software used to hack WhatsApp boasted that it can scrape data from Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft cloud servers
@blogs.faz.net 6 years ago Psst, Europa kann wieder Halbleiter!
@businessinsider.com 6 years ago How VMware became a secret superpower in the cloud wars and why Amazon Web Services should not be happy but Google and Microsoft are thrilled (VMW)
@reason.com 6 years ago Anti-Tech Wave Grows with New Justice Department Antitrust Efforts
@inquisitr.com 6 years ago Donald Trump Threatens Macron With A Tax On French Wine
@fastcompany.com 6 years ago Your conversations with Apple’s Siri may not be so confidential
@businessinsider.com 6 years ago Here's how the DOJ's inquiry into Google, Facebook, and Amazon could lead to further scrutiny of tech giants (GOOGL, AMZN, FB)
@forbes.com 6 years ago Justice Department Is Investigating Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon For Monopolistic Activities
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago 10 things in tech you need to know today
@foxnews.com 6 years ago DOJ opens sweeping antitrust review of big tech giants, saying they may work against consumers
@cbsnews.com 6 years ago Feds launch antitrust probe of U.S. tech giants
@thehill.com 6 years ago Top House Dem accuses tech giants of giving deceptive answers at antitrust hearing
@businessinsider.com 6 years ago The head of Microsoft’s data cloud business is 'battle hardened' and ready to face Google and Amazon on his home turf (MSFT)
@rt.com 6 years ago Voice assistant companies abandon snooping practices after being found out
@axios.com 6 years ago Amazon, Google and Facebook battle for the $23 billion smart speaker market
@forbes.com 6 years ago How Sampling Can Be The Killer App For Amazon And Google
@dailywire.com 6 years ago Trump May Target This Symbol Of French Pride After France Taxes American Tech Companies
@spiegel.de 6 years ago Google und Amazon: Internetriesen fahren Milliardengewinne ein
@forbes.com 6 years ago ECB Chimes In: Rate Cut Expected Soon, Putting Pressure On U.S. Yields
@reason.com 6 years ago The Justice Department's 'Big Tech' Antitrust Investigation Is Unnecessary Political Theater
@dailywire.com 6 years ago DOJ Starts Antitrust Review Of Major Tech Companies Including Google, Facebook, Apple
@n-tv.de 6 years ago Google, Facebook, Amazon?: US-Regierung kündigt Kartellverfahren an
@forbes.com 6 years ago Justice Department Opens Sweeping Antitrust Review of Big Tech
@sueddeutsche.de 6 years ago Datenschutz: "Hey Google, wer hört uns noch zu?"