@news.google.com a year ago Humanoide Roboter: Microsoft, Nvidia und Jeff Bezos stecken Millionen in Figure - heise online
@businessinsider.de 5 years ago Jeff Bezos' October surprise (no, he's not running for president)
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago Teslas wichtigster Geldgeber will Elon Musk loswerden - Business Insider Deutschland
@news.google.com a year ago Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos zieht nach Miami - DER SPIEGEL
@businessinsider.de 5 years ago Jeff Bezos is making a surprise visit in tech's Twilight Zone year
@news.google.com a year ago Jeff Bezos: Amazon-Gründer zieht nach Miami - DER SPIEGEL
@businessinsider.com 5 years ago This is a rare photo of the smartphone-hacking device sold by the NSO Group, the billion-dollar Israeli spyware company accused of helping hack Jeff Bezos
@businessinsider.de 4 years ago Elon Musk: Tesla-Chef ist jetzt der reichste Mensch der Welt - Business Insider Deutschland
@businessinsider.com 5 years ago We compared the leadership philosophies of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and it shows the major differences between the two companies (MSFT, AMZN)