@fastcompany.com a year ago Fast Company’s CEO Fair Pay report: The 15 ‘least fairly’ paid tech CEOs
@forbes.com 5 years ago Ford Is Learning Fast From Alphabet & Apple How To Compete With Patents
@WSJ 2 years ago The 2022 market bust has turned the practice of buying fast-growing technology titans such as Facebook owner Meta Platforms, Apple, Amazon.com, Netflix and Google parent Alphabet into a pumpkin on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago Five reasons stock pickers are off to a fast start: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft on.wsj.com
@faz.net 2 years ago Trübe Geschäftsaussichten: Techkonzerne verlieren fast 1000 Milliarden Dollar an Wert in einer Woche
@faz.net 2 years ago Trübe Geschäftsaussichten: Techkonzerne verlieren fast 1000 Milliarden Dollar an Wert in einer Woche - FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung