The best new iPhone features worth trying out in iOS 17
@fastcompany.com5 years ago
Apple and Google’s contact tracing apps only work on new phones. That’s a problem
@BBCWorld5 years ago
Apple and Google release marks 'watershed moment' for contact-tracing apps
@WSJ5 years ago
As governments race to roll out pandemic-fighting contact-tracing apps, including an Apple-Google effort in the U.S., Singapore’s early experiment has hit a hurdle
@qz.com5 years ago
How Finland got 20% of its population to download a contact tracing app in one day
@theconversation.com5 years ago
Contact-tracing apps: Apple dictating policies to nations won't help its EU anti-trust probe
@WSJ5 years ago
European countries are embracing Apple and Google protocols as they build their own smartphone apps to help conduct contact tracing
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Apple is allowing Siri to default to chat apps based on user behavior rather than its native apps
@vox.com5 years ago
The new Apple-Google contact tracing tool finally seems useful
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Apple and Google are facing pressure from New York's Attorney General to impose stricter privacy rules on contact tracing apps that are currently flooding their app stores (GOOG, APPL)
@rt.com5 years ago
Google & Apple set some lucky programmers up for lucrative monopoly with new rules for contact-tracing app
@fastcompany.com5 years ago
Google and Apple will now autogenerate COVID-19 contact tracing apps for states
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
As Apple and Google begin to roll out their contact tracing tech, a new bill could enforce strict rules to protect user data (APPL, GOOG)
@forbes.com5 years ago
This Is The Contact Tracing Worry Even Apple And Google Can’t Resolve