@businessinsider.com 4 years ago Apple CEO Tim Cook appears to take jab at Facebook saying App Store would be better with 'more social networks'
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago Facebook had another normal week in which it was called a 'chaos factory' and maker of 'data voodoo dolls' by big Silicon Valley beasts
@LateNightSeth 6 years ago Trump Lies About Paul Manafort and "Tim Apple": A Closer Look
@businessinsider.de 5 years ago Tim Cook subtly dinged Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg by saying augmented reality doesn't isolate people like other technologies
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago 10 things in tech you need to know today
@fastcompany.com 6 years ago Tim Cook: Don’t worry about a Facebook-style data breach at Apple
@businessinsider.de 5 years ago Apple CEO Tim Cook's close ties with Donald Trump may explain why the company spends less on lobbying than other tech giants (AAPL)
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago Apple CEO Tim Cook called out companies like Facebook, Theranos, and YouTube in a speech pushing for responsibility in Silicon Valley
@forbes.com 5 years ago Apple CEO Tim Cook Made A Serious Bitcoin Rival Warning
@businessinsider.de 6 years ago Apple CEO Tim Cook takes aim at Facebook once again: 'I worry about any property today that pushes news in a feed' (AAPL, FB)