Hillicon Valley: Trump fires top federal cybersecurity official, GOP senators push back | Apple to pay $113 million to resolve fight over batteries | Los Angeles Police ban use of third-party facial recognition software
@thehill.com5 years ago
Hillicon Valley — Presented by Philip Morris International — Apple reportedly dropped plans to let iPhone users encrypt backups | Justices decline facial recognition case | Critics fear Facebook losing misinformation fight | Truce on French tech tax
@thehill.com6 years ago
Hillicon Valley: Harris spikes in Google searches after debate clash with Biden | Second US city blocks facial recognition | Apple said to be moving Mac Pro production from US to China | Bipartisan Senate bill takes aim at 'deepfake' videos
@thehill.com6 years ago
Hillicon Valley: FBI facial recognition database has 640M photos | Disclosure sparks new privacy fears | App developers sue Apple | House panel approves $600M for election security