Amy Klobuchar on the tech lobby’s all-out war on antitrust legislation
@jezebel.com6 years ago
The Unholy Alliance of Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists and the Right Wing
@nytimes.com4 years ago
Tech Giants, Fearful of Proposals to Curb Them, Blitz Washington With Lobbying
@nytimesworld6 years ago
A U.S. Senator has joined calls by rights groups by asking Apple and Google to stop distributing a Saudi government app used to control women.
@politico.com5 years ago
Inside the power struggle over the high-stakes hearing with top tech CEOs
@thehill.com6 years ago
Hillicon Valley: DOJ approves T-Mobile-Sprint merger | Trump targets Google, Apple | Privacy groups seek to intervene in Facebook settlement | Democrats seize on Mueller hearings in election security push