Apple’s Siri settlement feeds the ‘eavesdropping iPhone’ narrative
@fastcompany.com3 years ago
Judge in Epic Games lawsuit rules that Apple can’t make developers use Apple’s payment system
@politico.com5 years ago
Apple vanquishes European tax case, but antitrust pain awaits
@qz.com9 months ago
Tesla has settled another deadly Autopilot crash lawsuit
@aljazeera.com4 years ago
Apple’s Tim Cook to defend App Store at Epic Games trial
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
The Reinvention of America
@qz.coma year ago
The feds just sued Apple in a big antitrust case for abusing its power with the iPhone and App Store
@WSJ4 years ago
The trial pitting “Fortnite” maker Epic Games against Apple begins Monday, in a case that could help determine how apps generate revenue through mobile devices
@rt.com3 years ago
Apple in hot water for ‘stifling competition’
@WSJ4 years ago
The trial pitting “Fortnite” maker Epic Games against Apple begins Monday, in a case that could help determine the future of how apps generate revenue through mobile devices