@fastcompany.com 2 months ago Meta and Snap stock prices sink despite the TikTok ban being upheld by the Supreme Court
@axios.com a year ago Apple announces sweeping EU App Store changes
@variety.com 3 years ago TikTok Should Be Banned by Apple and Google App Stores, Trump-Appointed FCC Commissioner Opines
@businessinsider.com 4 years ago Apple and Google may be forced to allow third-party app stores onto their devices under a new Senate bill
@welt.de 4 years ago Jetzt muss Apple in Europa um seine AppStore-Allmacht fürchten
@sueddeutsche.de 5 years ago Spieleentwickler vs. Tech-Konzerne: Fortnite rebelliert gegen Apple und Google
@forbes.com 3 months ago Apple And Google Scramble To Face Their Role As TikTok Ban Enforcers
@npr.org a year ago Epic Games beat Google but lost to Apple in monopoly lawsuits. What does it all mean?
@thehill.com 3 years ago App company CEOs urge senators to back antitrust bill
@faz.net 4 years ago US-Senatoren knöpfen sich Apples und Googles App Stores vor
@rt.com 4 years ago Parler CEO denounces ‘coordinated attack’ by Big Tech as Amazon prepares to pull plug on its servers
@businessinsider.com 5 years ago The maker of 'Fortnite' is now letting players bypass Apple's and Google's app stores, the latest escalation in an ongoing battle between the tech giants and app developers (AAPL, GOOGL)
@theguardian.com 3 months ago Australia news live: Apple and Google app stores to be forced to play fair on search and payment; Labor announces R&D review
@cbsnews.com 2 years ago White House takes aim at Apple and Google for their app stores
@aljazeera.com 3 years ago Russia: Navalny slams Apple, Google over voting app removal
@faz.net 4 years ago US-Senatoren knöpfen sich App Stores vor - FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
@fastcompany.com 4 years ago Spotify, Match Group, and Epic Games join to fight Apple and Google app stores
@theatlantic.com 7 years ago The Reinvention of America
@theconversation.com 6 months ago Meta has a new plan to keep kids safe online, but it’s a missed opportunity for tech giants to work together
@welt.de 2 years ago Niederlage für Apple – „Aufregendste Entwicklung in der Tech-Welt, seit ich weiß nicht wann“
@rt.com 3 years ago Apple & Google delete Navalny’s ‘Smart Voting’ app after top Russian officials accuse US tech giants of ‘election interference’
@dailydot.com 4 years ago New bipartisan bill wants to shake up big tech’s grip on app stores
@forbes.com 5 years ago Epic Games Sues Apple And Google Over Fortnite Ban As Internet Pioneer Tim O’Reilly And Pundits Call For AI Oversight