@theatlantic.com a year ago The Groundless Fear of Regulating Big Tech
@forbes.com 5 years ago Forget Facebook, Apple, Google And Amazon—Bitcoin Is Suddenly Behaving ‘Like A Tech Stock’
@forbes.com 6 years ago Judgment Day Looms for Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google
@politico.eu a year ago Big Tech moves to challenge the EU's digital antitrust rules
@dailydot.com 5 years ago 2019 is the year the world turned on big tech
@vox.com 6 years ago Recode Daily: Amazon is the newest tech giant offering money to digital publishers
@qz.com a year ago EU targets Apple, Amazon, Meta and other Big Tech in next phase of digital crackdown
@forbes.com 5 years ago Why Aren’t We Talking About Banking Disruption?
@rt.com 6 years ago Happy New Year, big tech! France starts taxing Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon
@faz.net 4 years ago F.A.Z.-Serie Schneller Schlau: Warum hat Europa keine großen Tech-Konzerne?
@rt.com 6 years ago Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple to testify in Washington against French digital tax