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The Groundless Fear of Regulating Big Tech
@thehill.com5 years ago
White House seeks assistance from tech companies in fight against coronavirus
@forbes.com4 years ago
Why A Big Government Cure Would Be Worse Than Big Tech Control
@rt.com6 years ago
Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple to testify in Washington against French digital tax
@forbes.com5 years ago
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Antitrust Showdown In Congress: Big Tech, Meet Big Government
@businessinsider.com6 years ago
Amazon, Apple and Google dominate some surprising markets, researcher finds, giving the government a lot of fodder for investigations (GOOG, AMZN, AAPL)
@BBCWorld5 years ago
Showdown between US government and the four big tech giants - Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google - set to be postponed
@forbes.com6 years ago
Big Tech War Chests Will Likely Fend Off Coming Antitrust Probes