Apple Terminates Epic Games iOS Developer Account for Sweden, Which Gaming Company Alleges Is Retaliation for Criticizing the Tech Giant
@rt.com3 years ago
Apple loses appeal in Epic battle against payment monopoly
@variety.com4 years ago
Elon Musk Slams Apple’s App Store Fees as ‘De Facto Global Tax on the Internet’
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
10 things in tech you need to know today
@tagesschau.de4 years ago
Rechtsstreit um App-Store: Apple und Epic treffen sich vor Gericht -
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
'Fortnite' maker Epic Games is getting help from another deep-pocketed tech giant in its ongoing legal fight with Apple: Facebook is joining the fray (FB, AAPL)
@variety.com5 years ago
Apple Terminates ‘Fortnite’ Maker Epic Games’ Developer Account
@forbes.com5 years ago
Epic Games Sues Apple And Google Over Fortnite Ban As Internet Pioneer Tim O’Reilly And Pundits Call For AI Oversight years ago
Apple kicked Fortnite off the App Store and now they're being sued. Here's why
@npr.orga year ago
Epic Games beat Google but lost to Apple in monopoly lawsuits. What does it all mean?
@turi2.de3 years ago
Apple legt Berufung zu Urteil über In-App-Käufe ein. | turi2 - turi2
@aljazeera.com4 years ago
Apple’s Tim Cook to defend App Store at Epic Games trial
@faz.net4 years ago
Die Welt blickt auf Apple und den Showdown um den App-Store
@tagesschau.de4 years ago
Rechtsstreit um App-Store: Apple und Epic treffen sich vor Gericht -
@variety.com4 years ago
Apple App Store ‘Tax Cut’ for Small Developers Slammed by Spotify, Epic Games
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Epic Games' big battle with Apple isn't the first time 'Fortnite' has been used to pressure a tech giant into changing its ways. And last time, it worked. (AAPL, SNE)
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
10 things in tech you need to know today
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
The maker of 'Fortnite' is now letting players bypass Apple's and Google's app stores, the latest escalation in an ongoing battle between the tech giants and app developers (AAPL, GOOGL)
@forbes.com2 years ago
Viva Tech: Why LVMH Has Partnered With Epic Games And Apple
@thehill.com3 years ago
Apple says Fortnite banned until final verdict in Epic feud
@axios.com4 years ago
Apple v. Epic Games: The price of playing together
@faz.net4 years ago
Die Welt blickt auf Apple und den Showdown um den App-Store
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Googlers fight to stay home and Apple goes to court
@fastcompany.com4 years ago
Spotify, Match Group, and Epic Games join to fight Apple and Google app stores
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
10 things in tech you need to know today
@n-tv.de5 years ago
Streit um In-App-Käufe: "Fortnite"-Macher verklagen Apple
@nytimes.com6 years ago
Tech Giants Amass a Lobbying Army for an Epic Washington Battle
@forbes.com3 years ago
Apple Forced To Comply With Massive App Store ‘Fortnite’ Ruling
@vox.com4 years ago
Apple has changed its App Store rules, and Apple’s critics aren’t satisfied
@n-tv.de4 years ago
Richtungsweisender Prozess: Apple droht Machtverlust in "Fortnite"-Streit
@tagesschau.de4 years ago
Rechtsstreit um App-Store: Apple und Epic treffen sich vor Gericht -
@thehill.com4 years ago
Hillicon Valley: Officials say cyber executive order with 'a dozen' actions forthcoming | Epic Games submits Apple complaint to UK watchdog | Facebook's chief revenue officer to leave company
@aljazeera.com5 years ago
Apple terminates developer account of Epic Games
@theconversation.com5 years ago
Apple, Google and Fortnite's stoush is a classic case of how far big tech will go to retain power
@n-tv.de5 years ago
Streit um In-App-Käufe: "Fortnite"-Macher verklagen Apple