Former Brexit secretary David Davis says he would probably be the Conservative leader if the role was like an application for a job as chief executive.
Dithering former Brexit secretary David Davis has claimed that the “benefits” that Brexiteers were hoping for when the UK leaves the EU are starting to “vanish”
Two top ministers in the British government resigned within 24 hours of each other this week. One was the Brexit secretary, David Davis. Who was the other? Try this week's news quiz.
Boris Johnson’s resignation followed that of the Brexit secretary, David Davis, deepening divisions in Prime Minister Theresa May’s government as it negotiates terms to leave the bloc
Brexit secretary David Davis has been urged to quit as Theresa May battles for government unity on her backstop proposals for the Irish border
Brexit secretary David Davis has been urged to quit as Theresa May battles for government unity on her backstop proposals for the Irish border
Former foreign secretary David Miliband has again called for a second Brexit referendum, warning global instability since the 2016 vote has made it more dangerous for Britain.
Like the Brexit Secretary David Davis, Boris has an aversion to travelling with hoi polloi on scheduled flights and insists on availing himself of the Royal Squadron on almost every overseas excursion.
" Now we all know the reason why Brexit Secretary David Davis looked such a shambles when he appeared before the House of Lords European Union committee at the start of this week."