Call out to any credible pro-Leave politicians ... there's a seat for you on our panel. DM us if interested! So far we've had, ahem, difficulty getting anyone willing to show up and defend Brexit
For those of the Brexit persuasion, the East Europeans who managed to get in should be called 'Benefits Vultures'. They are as far from this as imaginable, writes
Britain is a nation of animal lovers. So, the government should be wary that post-Brexit imports could include food products from countries with far lowers standards than ours, writes
"It might fall to a new generation of politicians, in both main parties, to have the honest conversation about Brexit that's so far failed to materialise"
"I think this little one-week kerfuffle in no way justifies burning £200billion on Brexit so far and stuffing imports and exports services and travel with more paperwork that many businesses can handle."
"It capitalises on the racist and xenophobic movements and discourse that have led to Brexit, the Windrush Scandal, the Home Office's Hostile environment against migrants, the rise of far-right politics"
“I think, to me, a border poll is far too divisive at this stage, it doesn’t deal with the more fundamental issue of how we continue to live and work together as we all live on this island, particularly in a post-Brexit scenario.”
"It is now abundantly clear that what the evidence is screaming for is a long extension of the Brexit transition period. So far, that evidence is falling on deaf ears."
Of all the glad tidings that Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised would flow from Brexit, one of the most far-fetched was a baby boom. But at least in his own case, Mr. Johnson has actually delivered on that pledge.
Of all the glad tidings that Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised would flow from Brexit, one of the most far-fetched was a baby boom. But at least in his own case, Mr. Johnson has actually delivered on that pledge.