The resignation of David Davis, Britain's minister in charge of Brexit, makes it more likely that Prime Minster Theresa May will face a leadership challenge–possibly from Mr. Davis. (fixes typo)
The resignation of David Davies, Britain's minister in charge of Brexit, makes it more likely that Prime Minister Theresa May will face a leadership challenge–possibly even from Mr. Davies.
Trump would do Brexit better, says Britain's Boris Johnson. “There’d be all sorts of breakdowns, all sorts of chaos. Everyone would think he’d gone mad. But actually you might get somewhere."
Theresa May's Brexit plans came under fire from Boris Johnson, Britain's undiplomatic top diplomat. Her government, he said, lacks “guts” in the negotiation.
Britain's House of Lords cannot stop Brexit. But it can create a lot of trouble for the government on the subject, and that's exactly what it's doing.
A three-centuries-old spat over Gibraltar, the rocky British outpost on the Iberian peninsula, could further vex Britain's hopes for a smooth Brexit
Theresa May brought some clarity to Britain's stance on Brexit, but she still has no answer for the Irish border and is still peddling policies reflecting the "have cake and eat it, too" posture
Agreement on a transition period to smooth Britain's exit from the EU is "not a given", Brussels' chief Brexit negotiator has warned
The Brexit “war cabinet” concluded today after 90 minutes without senior ministers agreeing a position on what Britain's trade relationship should look like.
Facebook, responding to pressure from Britain's Parliament about any effort by Russia to influence the "Brexit" vote, said it had found no evidence of a significant Russian campaign
The papers handed over are likely to be edited to remove information that is commercially sensitive or damaging to Britain's negotiating position in Brexit talks.