@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
The prize is not personal redemption for a tattered reputation, but altering the terms of the #Brexit debate. ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
It is time to "rise up" against #Brexit, says @tonyblairoffice ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @sg0379: Excellent read for anyone wondering just who #Brexit will benefit. twitter.com
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @mk1969: You think Brexit sucks and you're feeling really quite pissed off. Subscribe to @TheNewEuropean - £1 an issue for t… t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Puzzled by the benefits of #Brexit? So are we. ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Brexit #fact... t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @MarionVanR: Brexit means Brexit ok, mais Europe means Europe, disait Dany Cohn-Bendit dans son itv à @TheNewEuropeant.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
If you use the NHS or state education, chances are you're not going to benefit from #Brexit, says @acgrayling ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @mk1969: Great bedtime reading; some of the best writing on Brexit - every week in @TheNewEuropean - by @michaelwhite t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
"Rise up" against #Brexit, says @tonyblairoffice ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
. @eddieizzard on why we must fight back against the hate that is rising in a #Brexit and #Trump world ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Trump’s ostentatious rhetorical support for Brexit is expressly designed as a tool to undermine the EU.@paulknott11 ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @Open_Britain: Tony Blair today called for a continued fight against a hard, destructive #Brexit - join our campaign today:… t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @WalesEurope: .@HouseofCommons have washed their hands of the Brexit Bill, now it's time for the @UKHouseofLords /@TheNewEuropean t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Why are so many Brexits and Trumpistas irritable and defensive, I often ask myself. Didn’t they really want to win? ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @mk1969: Blair calls for people to “rise up”against Brexit theneweuropean.co.uk @TheNewEuropean
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
The mantle of patriotism is being abused for #Brexit at any cost, says Tony Blair ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @kazrem: Highly recommended, intelligent commentary on the #Brexit train wreck! Read it via here if you've missed it so far;… t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @Porritt: Here it is, this week's @TheNewEuropean - another stellar line up on sale tomorrow. Lots on #Brexit and #Trump and… t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Senior German politician warns that Brexit will be “mission impossible” and will create “a lot of damage” for the UK ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
It is both logical and inevitable, says EU Brexit negotiator @GuyVerhofstadt ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @mk1969: The Mail calls 114 MPs who voted against Brexit traitors. We call them men and women of conviction. RT if you agreet.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Although it may disappoint many on the Leave side, Britain will not close the borders after #Brexit. ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Even a child knows that Brexit is bad... ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Re-entry for Brexit's David Davis. Even his own wife weighed in, calling him “quite selfish & inconsiderate @ times” ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @liz_lizanderson: Cat listening to Brexit: A Guide For The Perplexed on @BBCRadio4 t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
A C Grayling is angry (and so are we) #Brexit ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
We round up the losers and the losers (because there are no winners) of another crazy seven days on Planet Brexit ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
What is going on? #Brexit t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @EUlvis: Bold. These guys sure don't pull any punches with their front pages. Buy it. #Brexit #NoBrexit #BrexitmeansTrumpt.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @CarolineLucas: #Article50 Bill passes 494 to 122 without a single amendment. Blueprint for an extreme Tory #brexit & Labour waved it through. Unbelievable
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @TheSandyGrant: 'STINKING FISH!' My latest for @TheNewEuropean about how Brexit resistance not yet up to the job, out soon… t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
What does Brexit actually mean? And if we were given a 2nd #EURef would you vote differently? #poll ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @Jon_Lee_Proctor: The idea that Brexit will release Britain into a world of free trade is delusional @acgrayling @TheNewEuropean t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Did concerns over #immigration influence your #Brexit vote? ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Do you have something to say about #Brexit? Do you want to write for TNE? Email your hot take pitches to daisy.mccorgray@archant.co.uk
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @RedGrouper: @ianlovelandUK @TheNewEuropean Brexit is poop is a great tag line.
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @peterjukes: Breaking @vote_leave director admits #Brexit referendum was won by lying to the public twitter.com t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @wmarybeard: Have I misunderstood?Is meaningful vote on Brexit a choice between govt deal or no deal? Not what I call meaningful.Have I missed something?
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @ianlovelandUK: And the award for the best speech on Brexit so far goes to... this 8 year old girl in @TheNewEuropean. Give her a m… t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Parliament to vote on the final #Brexit deal with Europe ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @CloistersLaw: Read Rachel Crasnow QC's @RachelCrasnowQC & Tom Gillie's article on #workersrights post-#Brexit @TheNewEuropeant.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @mk1969: after #brexit Britons face sky high mobile data bills when on holiday in Europe. #didyouvoteforthat?? t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
This week in #Brexit... t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @TheNewEuropean: Who else is having these nightmares? #brexit @KERBERCARTOONS t.co