@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
An 8-year-old's take on #Brexit: ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
The #Brexit crisis is not the only emergency facing the UK, says @acgrayling ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @mk1969: Angry how MPs are flunking up Brexit? You're not alone. @TheNewEuropean on sale today nationwide including WHSmiths t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
ICYMI: “Choose the great Brexit power grab, taking back control of straight bananas” ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Who else is having these nightmares? #brexit @KERBERCARTOONS t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @mk1969: Besides being the number one newspaper for a Remain perspective on #Brexit, we have a great bit of #Bowie this week… t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @mk1969: The Mail calls 114 MPs who voted against Brexit traitors. We call them men and women of conviction. RT if you agreet.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Men and women of true conviction - the MPs who voted against #Brexit Bill #Article50 ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
"“Choose lowering #Scotland’s GDP by more than £10 billion and Scotland’s exports by more than £5 billion." #Brexit ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @campbellclaret: Quite something to see Brexit Lie Machine celebrating a vote that will damage economy, jobs, culture, the union,UK power #ProjectReality
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
"Choose the great Brexit power grab, taking back control of straight bananas" ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
The cultural response to Brexit is in the best possible hands. Bring it on, says @charlieconnelly ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Get 13 weeks of #theneweuropean and a #Brexit annual all for £20! Order here >> ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @heidi_mp: Why I will vote against the Prime Minister's version of Brexit next week - my piece for @HuffPostUK huff.to
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Get 13 weeks of #theneweuropean and a #Brexit annual all for £20! Order here >> ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
It is shocking to realize just how badly Europe has handled its recent political dilemmas. Brexit is a key example ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
"It was their choice who they wanted to include as a country [...] it was up to them & I had to accept that" #Brexit ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Get 13 weeks of #theneweuropean and a #Brexit annual all for £20! Order here >> ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Read the touching stories of Europeans surviving #Brexit Britain with poignant images by @dediosphoto ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Do you think we should resist #Brexit? Make your voice heard! Contact your MPs to oppose #Article50 ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
This week in #Brexit... t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Get 13 weeks of #theneweuropean and a #Brexit annual all for £20! Order here >> ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Anti #Brexit messages for May in DC #MayheminDC ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Brexit bill is a de facto coup against our Parliamentary democracy and this is wholly unacceptable, says @acgrayling ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @SKZCartoons: My toon: Hopes and dreams (v3)This is old but got reworked extensively post-release#Brexit #BrexitshamblesFB:… t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Get 13 weeks of #theneweuropean and a #Brexit annual all for £20! Order here >> ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
MPs and peers need to be fully involved at the start, middle and end of the #Brexit process. ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @BBCWomansHour: As the Supreme Court rules Parliament must vote to trigger Brexit, we speak to the woman who led the campaign: Gina Miller. At 10am
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Get 13 weeks of #theneweuropean and a #Brexit annual all for £20! Order here >> ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Parliament should insist on being fully involved in the #Brexit process, says @Hugodixon ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @davidschneider: What a futile, costly, damaging waste of time the Supreme Court appeal has been, thus making it the perfect training for Brexit itself.
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Get 13 weeks of #theneweuropean and a #Brexit annual all for £20! Order here >> ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @mk1969: Who are this week's biggest Brexit divvies? It's a high bar.. but we picked ten >> The Brex-Factor: 10 of the worst t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @mk1969: Can May pull off her great Brexit gamble? by @michaelwhite for @TheNewEuropean theneweuropean.co.uk
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Get 13 weeks of #theneweuropean and a #Brexit annual all for £20! Order here >> ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
What is @theresa_may really talking about when she talks about "global Britain"? #brexit t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Have you heard these 3 reasons why @acgrayling demands we fight May’s #Brexit plan? ow.ly t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
May’s #Brexit intentions will betray the values promoted by Churchill, says #LibDem leader @timfarrontwitter.com
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Get 13 weeks of #theneweuropean and a #Brexit annual all for £20! Order here >> ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Can May pull off her great #Brexit gamble?ow.ly t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
"Brexit is not over. The British still have time to realise that Europe is their only future." ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
There are grounds for optimism and for pessimism in May's #Brexit strategy, says @michaelwhite. Do you agree? ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
May's #Brexit is unconscionable, dictatorial, completely contrary to our Parliamentary democracy, says @acgrayling ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
A Hard Brexit was not on the ballot paper, says @timfarron ow.ly
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
RT @Porritt: Roll up, roll up ... @TheNewEuropean #Brexit circus is here (with some sinister undertones) t.co
@TheNewEuropean 8 years ago
Get 13 weeks of #theneweuropean and a #Brexit annual all for £20! Order here >> ow.ly