RT @stevie_death: Excellent take on #Brexit from Nicholas Boyle @TheNewEuropean http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/the_problem_with_the_english_england_doesn_t_want_to_be_just_another_member_of_a_team_1_4851882
RT @liz_lizanderson: @TheNewEuropean I am confused though. Is this still red, white or blue Brexit? From where I'm sitting it looks rather puce coloured.
This UKIP MEP and this Brexit-loving paper think we're in the Schengen Area. We aren't. #hadenoughofexperts https://twitter.com/rogerhelmermep/status/820745142520922115
#Brexit will tip the scales of our 'special relationship' completely in favour of the Americans & enfeeble Britain,… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/820752488609546242