“The government should have built up capacity sooner, particularly as it has been clear for some time that the challenges of dealing with the pandemic would not be over by the end of the Brexit transition period.” theneweuropean.co.uk
"Why is Boris Johnson so against extending the Brexit transition period? Is it because he fears the USA will be less keen on a trade deal with the UK if Joe Biden succeeds Donald Trump after the presidential election in November?" theneweuropean.co.uk
A senior official in Northern Ireland has warned there are just three weeks left to finalise plans for a “smooth end” to the Brexit transition period. buff.ly
"It is now abundantly clear that what the evidence is screaming for is a long extension of the Brexit transition period. So far, that evidence is falling on deaf ears." theneweuropean.co.uk
Former Liberal Democrat leader Lord Campbell has said that Remainers have been silenced in the Commons over fears about the end of the Brexit transition period buff.ly