We are back in shops today with this take on an old Daily Mail front page. Get the latest analysis on the fight to stop Brexit for just £3 - in all good newsagents now! t.co
We're still in newsagents this weekend with 48 pages of anti-Brexit analysis, expertise and arts and culture. Buy The New European today for just £3. t.co
"Brexit itself is no more 'set in stone' today than they were in the spring, when "exit day" was twice redefined in domestic law and the Article 50 period was twice extended as a matter of EU law." theneweuropean.co.uk
Brexit means breakfast: behind the scenes at a Brussels all-nighter. Theresa May got her new Brexit deadline in Brussels. Jennifer Rankin and Daniel Boffey, saw it through to the bitter end and explain what happens now. Listen to Today in Focus: theguardian.com t.co
As Theresa May heads to Brussels to plead for more time to scrape together a Brexit deal, her party is shedding members. Nick Boles dramatically resigned from the party last week and now feels emboldened to speak out. Listen to Today in Focus: theguardian.com t.co
Find us outside the Hilton on Park Lane today. First 2,000 to buy a newspaper get one of these free - it'll be a collector's item when we stop Brexit t.co
Today: India’s economic problems threaten to undermine the prime minister, businesses in Britain prepare for a chaotic Brexit and Apple takes up data privacy with Facebook. nyti.ms
Today: India’s economic problems threaten to undermine the prime minister, businesses in Britain prepare for a chaotic Brexit and New Zealand's ambitious housing project hits a speed bump. nyti.ms
"Patrick Kielty – so vocal about his concerns about Brexit and the Irish border – was bumped off Today recently. Jeremy Vine’s Radio 2 show did it to at least one pro-Remain journalist last week." bit.ly