Prime Minister Theresa May is hoping that, if Parliament remains divided, she might use the fear of a disorderly Brexit to squeeze her deal through, perhaps after winning some last-minute concessions from Brussels
Defeat in this month's parliamentary Brexit vote may help Prime Minister Theresa May get the EU concessions she needs to win a second time.
On the day her Brexit agreement was expected to suffer a substantial defeat, Theresa May is visiting European leaders, looking for concessions that might save it. But Jean-Claude Juncker sees “no room whatsoever for renegotiation.”
Theresa May was visiting three European capitals on Tuesday, looking for concessions that might persuade more British lawmakers to back her Brexit plan
Fishermen: tell us what you think of the recent Brexit concessions
May and her Brexit Bulldog, David Davis, seem to have concluded that concessions to the Dominic Grieve wing of their party needed to be matched by one cooked up to appease the Boris Tendency.