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6 years ago
Tune in soon for Europe’s view of Britain’s post-Brexit apocalyptic future | Kevin McKenna
6 years ago
If Theresa May wants to keep Britain aligned with Europe’s rules, will Brexit hard-liners like Boris Johnson bolt?
6 years ago
Guess who helped the rise of Europe’s mini-Trumps? Brexit-poisoned Britain | Guy Verhofstadt
6 years ago
Guess who helped the rise of Europe’s mini-Trumps? Brexit-poisoned Britain | Guy Verhofstadt
6 years ago
A Brexit compromise? In conversation with Jacob Rees-Mogg MP
7 years ago
EU’s hardball tactics over Irish border issue risk pushing UK into corner in Brexit talks
7 years ago
The view from Brussels: how do think tanks in Brussels see Brexit talks unfolding in 2018?
7 years ago
Brexit is prompting lenders to place the children of their star bankers in Europe’s top schools
7 years ago
May needs to show the EU the colour of our money to unlock the next round of Brexit talks
7 years ago
Catalan separatism is part of a broader crisis of legitimacy
7 years ago
Brexit, Theresa May and the European talks
7 years ago
Ireland prepares to take advantage of the shifts in Europe’s finance industry triggered by Brexit
7 years ago
Will the UK be more like Canada or Norway?
7 years ago
Verhofstadt: Europe after Brexit
7 years ago
Brexit progress: more work to do, says EU
7 years ago
Cabinet must decide and spell out its vision for Brexit
7 years ago
UK has much to offer EU on foreign and security policy but needs to spell out how it will work
7 years ago
Will Brexit ground flights to Europe?
7 years ago
Japan is as curious as everyone else: what is Theresa May’s Brexit plan?
7 years ago
Why the EU will have to start talking about trade soon
7 years ago
David Davis at odds with EU chief Brexit negotiator
7 years ago
Progress on the Irish border issue will require both sides to start talking trade
7 years ago
Has Brexit catalysed EU defence integration?
7 years ago
Europe’s Brexit chief @GuyVerhofstadt brands Britain citizenship offer a ‘damp squib’ >>
7 years ago
Europe’s populist tide has turned – leaving Brexit Britain washed up | James Newell
7 years ago
Europe’s Brexit negotiator urges U.K. to show ‘more ambition’ on EU citizens’ rights
7 years ago
Deloitte study finds that the German car industry would be severely hit by a ‘no deal’ Brexit
7 years ago
What does the Queen’s Speech mean for Brexit?
7 years ago
As the Labour Party’s influence grows, it must clarify its Brexit strategy
7 years ago
European Commission shies away from nuclear option in its euro clearing reform plans
7 years ago
Europe’s first Brexit shot: It wants clearing back from London
7 years ago
What does the Labour Party manifesto leak tell us about their Brexit policy?
7 years ago
Will the 'Trump Effect' Sweep Europe?
7 years ago
London will remain Europe’s financial capital despite Brexit | Nils Pratley
7 years ago
Theresa May triggers Article 50 – what next?
7 years ago
The Netherlands just issued two friendly reports on Brexit
8 years ago
RT @GdnPolitics: EU membership helped London become Europe’s biggest financial centre; a hard Brexit could spell the end of that
8 years ago
Brexit can wait. Europe’s pressing worry is its fracturing eastern democracies | Jan Kubik
8 years ago
Open Europe responds to Theresa May’s Lancaster House speech
8 years ago
What might legal case over EU-Singapore trade deal mean for Brexit?
8 years ago
Brexit negotiations will be led by national governments
8 years ago
Leaked City memo: Davis’ stance on single market more significant than on transition
8 years ago
Europe’s leaders to force Britain into hard Brexit
8 years ago
Europe’s leaders to force Britain into hard Brexit
8 years ago
How might the election of a centre-right French president affect Brexit negotiations?
8 years ago
Trump and EU moves towards ‘two-speed’ defence illustrate need for positive UK offer on European security
8 years ago
WTO rules mean UK-EU divorce and new trade arrangement are not fully separable
8 years ago
Brexit: The view from Rome
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