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Parliament remains deadlocked. The left and right despise Prime Minister Theresa May’s plan. And the prospect of a calamitous no-deal Brexit looms closer every day.
It's been a week which has brought both a people’s vote and a no-deal Brexit closer.
Michael White on a week which brought both a people’s vote and a no-deal Brexit closer.
He follows John Cleese in leaving the UK as Brexit draws closer.
Jeremy Corbyn having sacked Owen Smith, the leader of the opposition is now closer to the government on Brexit than to a majority of Labour MPs, and a vast majority of the members he claims to listen to.
For all that we are calendrically ‘closer’ to Brexit than 12 months ago, it now looks further away than at any stage since the referendum.
As Brexit gets closer it now looks further away than ever... The latest column from @mitchbenn.