One of Boris Johnson's billionaire leadership backers was, as early as July, urging the prime-minister-to-be to prorogue parliament to force Brexit.
Matteo Salvini seems to have underestimated a large hurdle to early elections: an Italian parliamentary system that makes America’s Electoral College look elementary and the angling around Brexit seem the stuff of babes by @jasondhorowitz
Matteo Salvini seems to have underestimated one rather large hurdle to early elections, an Italian parliamentary system that makes America’s Electoral College look elementary and the angling around Brexit seem the stuff of babes. by @jasondhorowitz
"Boris Johnson is not even trying to run the country, or to negotiate or pass a Brexit deal. He is purely and simply running a campaign team for an early election from 10 Downing Street"
With the possibility of a general election looming, a local Welsh vote is an early litmus test of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s tough line on Brexit
Brexiteers are getting their excuses in early as tests are carried out to determine how much lorry congestion there will be after Brexit.