Are the Government’s Brexit ads a psychology trick on all of Britain?
The government’s hostile environment policies are compromising NHS ethics - and it looks to only get worse if Brexit happens.
Nigel Farage is to demand his Brexit Party becomes part of the government’s negotiating team if it is successful in the forthcoming European elections.
The U.K. government’s attempt to force another vote to approve a Brexit deal was blocked by the speaker of the House of Commons on Monday
The authority of Britain’s executive branch was diminished to a point not seen in recent history. The country watched an increasingly empowered group of backbench legislators take control of the government’s principal piece of Brexit legislation.
“The government’s strategy for the automotive industry, like their strategy for Brexit, is a complete car crash.”
"The truth they’re trying to hide is that the government’s proposed Brexit would severely harm our economy and is much worse than our existing deal inside the EU."
The chair of the Brexit select committee has said that the more the Brexiteers shout about the government’s approach to Brexit the more it becomes clear their arguments have been full of fantasy
20 things we’ve learned from the government’s no-deal Brexit papers
This past week we saw just how catastrophic the government’s Brexit strategy could be for young people
Brexit rebels failed in their bid to force the government’s hand over a ‘meaningful vote’ - but how did your MP vote?
Brexit negotiations remain mired in stalemate with Brussels amid EU briefings slamming the government’s confused plans over the customs union.
Lib Dem MP @thomasbrake has seen the government’s "top secret" analysis of the impact of Brexit. He reports back on what he found