@n-tv.de 5 years ago
Mit Schützenhilfe von Trump: Farage schlägt Tories harten Brexit-Pakt vor
@aljazeera.com 5 years ago
UK political morass deepens as Farage threatens Johnson
@wsj.com 5 years ago
Trump Enters U.K. Political Debate, Dividing British Politicians
@n-tv.de 5 years ago
Schlagabtausch zu Brexit-Deal: Britische Regierung widerspricht Trump-Kritik
@welt.de 5 years ago
„Kann man nicht machen“ – Trump kritisiert Brexit-Deal
@t-online.de 5 years ago
Donald Trump kritisiert Boris Johnsons Brexit-Deal: "Man kann es nicht machen" - t-online.de
@n-tv.de 5 years ago
"Man kann es nicht machen": Trump tritt Johnsons Brexit-Deal in die Tonne
@faz.net 5 years ago
Trump kritisiert Johnsons Brexit-Deal
@variety.com 5 years ago
Mike Figgis: ‘U.K. Has a Prime Minister Who Wants to be Donald Trump’
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Morning mail: Migrant workers exploited, Trump backers fight impeachment, Musk unveils starship
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Thursday briefing: Defiant Johnson draws Commons' wrath
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
President Trump and Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain are both at the United Nations. But other things may also be on their minds: for Mr. Johnson, Brexit; for Mr. Trump, Ukraine and impeachment. nyti.ms
@guardian 5 years ago
Trump and Johnson to meet amid impeachment and Brexit woes – live theguardian.com
@guardian 5 years ago
Trump and Johnson to meet amid impeachment and Brexit woes – live theguardian.com
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Trump and Johnson to meet amid impeachment and Brexit woes – live
@spiegel.de 5 years ago
Mögliches Handelsabkommen mit Großbritannien: Trumps Trojanisches Pferd - SPIEGEL ONLINE
@politico.com 5 years ago
'Boris knows how to win': Trump backs Johnson amid Brexit turmoil
@rt.com 5 years ago
‘Boris knows how to win’: Trump sure of his ‘friend’ Johnson, despite ongoing Brexit beatdown
@rt.com 5 years ago
‘Surrender bill’ vs ‘Trump’s mercy’: Johnson and Corbyn clash ahead of vote on no-deal Brexit
@rt.com 5 years ago
Trump lectures Brits that BoJo is ‘EXACTLY’ what they need
@politico.com 5 years ago
Trump attacks Jeremy Corbyn for trying to oust Boris Johnson
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
Boris Johnson won approval for his approach to Brexit from President Trump, who praised the new leader as the “right man for the job” and promised a “very big trade deal” with the United States nyti.ms
@channel4.com 5 years ago
Trump praises Boris Johnson as ‘the right man’ to deliver Brexit at G7
@thinkprogress.org 5 years ago
Trump promises Britain a “very big trade deal” post-Brexit
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Trump dangles 'very big' trade deal in front of Brexit Britain
@elpais.com 5 years ago
Trump promete a Johnson un acuerdo comercial “bastante rápido” tras el Brexit
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Donald Trump tells Boris Johnson at G7 he wants a 'very big' trade deal – video
@sueddeutsche.de 5 years ago
Brexit: Trump verspricht Briten ein "sehr großes" Handelsabkommen
@foxnews.com 5 years ago
Trump meets with Britain's Boris Johnson, promises 'very big trade deal' between US, UK after Brexit
@guardian 5 years ago
Trump says Boris Johnson is 'right man' to deliver Brexit theguardian.com
@guardian 5 years ago
Trump says Boris Johnson is 'right man' to deliver Brexit theguardian.com
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Trump says Boris Johnson is 'right man' to deliver Brexit
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
On his first foreign trip as Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson will speak about Brexit with Germany and France's leaders before a weekend meeting of the G7 countries, where he will have to carefully calibrate his relationship with President Trump nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
On his first foreign trip as Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson will speak about Brexit with Germany and France's leaders before a weekend meeting of the G7 countries, where he will have to carefully calibrate his relationship with President Trump nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 5 years ago
On his first foreign trip as Britain's prime minister, Boris Johnson will speak about Brexit with Germany and France's leaders before a weekend meeting of the G7 countries, where he will have to carefully calibrate his relationship with President Trump nyti.ms
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Trump offers help as UK's Johnson asks Merkel to budge on Brexit
@reuters.com 5 years ago
G7 or G5? Trump and Johnson add unpredictability to French summit
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Trump or Europe? UK's Johnson to sample post-Brexit reality at G7 summit
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Trump, UK's Johnson discuss Brexit, economic issues in call
@reuters.com 5 years ago
UK PM Johnson discussed economic issues, Brexit in call with Trump: spokesman
@rt.com 5 years ago
‘Britain’s Trump’: Corbyn slams BoJo and ‘reckless’ govt, warns of ‘disastrous’ no-deal Brexit
@fnp.de 5 years ago
Trump-Berater Bolton: USA würden Johnsons No-Deal-Brexit „begeistert unterstützen“
@n-tv.de 5 years ago
Erst Brexit, dann Handelsdeal: USA sagen Briten schnelles Vorgehen zu
@sueddeutsche.de 5 years ago
Erwarteter Brexit: Trump stellt Johnson neues Handelsabkommen in Aussicht
@spiegel.de 5 years ago
Nach Brexit: Trump stellt Johnson umfassenden Handelsdeal in Aussicht - SPIEGEL ONLINE
@spiegel.de 5 years ago
Nach Brexit: Trump stellt Johnson umfassenden Handelsdeal in Aussicht
@reuters.com 5 years ago
'I'll make Britain great again', PM Johnson says, echoing Trump
@reuters.com 5 years ago
I'll make Britain great again, PM Johnson echoes Trump over Brexit