Former Irish PM says Brexit deal still possible 'as long as Boris Johnson doesn't have any more dinners'
Raab: 'A long way to go' before Brexit deal can be struck – video
Ocado stockpiles long-life products in case of no-deal Brexit
Fears of long HGV tailbacks at Brexit lorry park near Warrington
A “stress test” of immigration procedures that might result from a no-deal Brexit on Jan. 1 led to a miles-long backup of trucks in southern England
A “stress test” of immigration procedures that might result from a no-deal Brexit on Jan. 1 led to a miles-long backup of trucks in southern England
A “stress test” of immigration procedures that might result from a no-deal Brexit on Jan. 1 led to a miles-long backup of trucks in southern England
A “stress test” of immigration procedures that might result from a no-deal Brexit on Jan. 1 led to a miles-long backup of trucks in southern England
Brexit border checks trial ends in five-mile-long lorry queue in Kent
DfE tells schools to stock up on long-life products in case of no-deal Brexit
Boris Johnson has reached a moment of truth on the two issues that have dominated Britain this year: the pandemic and Brexit negotiations. But he is still playing for time — a strategy that could backfire in lost lives or livelihoods if he waits too long
Boris Johnson has reached a moment of truth on the two issues that have dominated Britain this year: the pandemic and Brexit negotiations. But he is still playing for time — a strategy that could backfire in lost lives or livelihoods if he waits too long
"It hardly helps Johnson’s cause that a long list of things he and his Brexit cult have derided as 'Project Fear' have turned out to be closer to Project Reality"
Letter from Gove warns of 7,000 truck-long queues in Kent after Brexit
Long queues of lorries at Dover demonstrate chaos Brexit could cause from January
"It is now abundantly clear that what the evidence is screaming for is a long extension of the Brexit transition period. So far, that evidence is falling on deaf ears."
Starmer comes under fire from Long-Bailey and Nandy over Brexit
"The question is whether, in the long run, his party in England may be quite prepared to let Scotland and Northern Ireland go in pursuit of a 'perfect Brexit'."
Long-Bailey and Nandy urge Labour to ‘accept Brexit and move on’
Why Brexit is a chance to fix the UK economy’s long-term problems
Farewell Europe: the long road to Brexit