@faz.net 5 years ago
Brexit-Gipfel: „Bitte verschwendet die Zeit nicht!“
@reuters.com 5 years ago
No-deal Brexit not the worst option, French official says
@reuters.com 5 years ago
EU's Tusk proposes Brexit delay up to 1 year, with early exit option
@reuters.com 5 years ago
UK hints at long Brexit delay with option to leave as soon as deal approved
@reuters.com 5 years ago
UK will seek Brexit delay with option to leave when deal agreed: Hammond
@n-tv.de 5 years ago
"Lächerliche Selbstblockade": Wie geht es nun weiter mit dem Brexit?
@aljazeera.com 5 years ago
Another tense Brexit week begins: What will happen next?
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Cabinet Brexiters reject customs union option as MPs prepare for more indicative votes - live news
@reuters.com 5 years ago
PM May's Brexit deal still the best option: minister
@guardian 5 years ago
MPs backing soft Brexit hope to unite around a compromise option https://trib.al/UAnmlbc
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Brexit: DUP leader says abstaining on PM May's deal 'never an option'
@reuters.com 5 years ago
No-deal Brexit on April 12 is UK's most likely option right now: lawmaker Letwin
@politico.eu 5 years ago
No majority in British House of Commons for any Brexit option
@WSJ 5 years ago
U.K. Parliament votes show no clear majority for any Brexit option https://on.wsj.com/2FEKp4V
@theguardian.com 5 years ago
Efta countries wary of Commons interest in 'Norway' option
@openeurope.org.uk 5 years ago
How negotiable are the pathways outlined by the options for indicative votes?
@faz.net 5 years ago
Britisches Unterhaus zum Brexit: Abstimmung mit Option auf Blamage
@reuters.com 5 years ago
UK lawmaker proposes EEA-EFTA Brexit motion without customs union
@reuters.com 5 years ago
UK lawmaker proposes new UK-EU customs union as Brexit option
@spiegel.de 5 years ago
Großbritanniens Austritt: EU stimmt Brexit-Aufschub zu - SPIEGEL ONLINE
@spiegel.de 5 years ago
Großbritanniens Austritt: EU stimmt Brexit-Aufschub zu
@reuters.com 5 years ago
Let the British parliament find a softer Brexit option, lawmaker tells PM May
@guardian 6 years ago
With Brexit now on hold, there’s only one option left: compromise | Simon Jenkins https://trib.al/WWc0okB
@aljazeera.com 6 years ago
Brexit vote: UK parliament rejects 'no-deal' option
@n-tv.de 6 years ago
Abstimmung über No-Deal-Brexit: Merkel: Optionen sind geringer geworden
@guardian 6 years ago
Parliament is betraying voters, but a clean Brexit is the best option | John Redwood https://trib.al/FcxEmMr
@guardian 6 years ago
Liam Fox: extending article 50 may be only option for a smooth Brexit https://trib.al/eX6L2cJ
@vox.com 6 years ago
Theresa May just offered another Brexit option: to delay
@nytimesworld 6 years ago
Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May has promised lawmakers that they will have the option to ask for a delay to Brexit if they again reject her withdrawal agreement https://nyti.ms/2EbGb2R
@n-tv.de 6 years ago
"Vernünftige Lösung": Tusk plädiert für Brexit-Verschiebung
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Why WTO in a Brexit context stands for 'Wrecked Trade Option' https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/andrew-adonis-the-brutal-truth-of-a-wto-no-deal-brexit-1-5882552
@guardian 6 years ago
Labour: only 'sensible' option to delay Brexit by extending article 50 https://trib.al/SqPFsib
@n-tv.de 6 years ago
Brexit-Chaos in London: "No Deal ist die wahrscheinlichste Option"
@rt.com 6 years ago
Corbyn urges May to back Labour’s deal & option of 2nd referendum to break Brexit deadlock
@guardian 6 years ago
Brexit: Labour 'must keep open' option of second referendum https://trib.al/3C1P6XR
@aljazeera.com 6 years ago
Brexit Britain sends out a 'Mayday'
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
As the EU warns that “time is almost up” the European Council president Donald Tusk said that 'no Brexit' now looked like the only option. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/eu-reacts-to-theresa-mays-brexit-plan-defeat-with-donald-tusk-saying-no-brexit-only-option-1-5853364
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Pro-EU campaign groups urge European Parliament to keep ‘no Brexit’ option open https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/open-letter-to-the-european-parliaments-chief-brexit-negotiator-guy-verhofstadt-1-5845264
@n-tv.de 6 years ago
Ökonomen-Barometer: Ein neues Brexit-Referendum als Option
@nymag.com 6 years ago
Confidence Vote Confirms Theresa May Is the U.K.’s Least Terrible Option
@guardian 6 years ago
Norway option is worst of all Brexit outcomes for UK, say EU sources https://trib.al/dr5kJHk
@guardian 6 years ago
Sam Gyimah: second Brexit referendum best option for both sides https://trib.al/eDRR9TG
@guardian 6 years ago
Labour could seize option of second Brexit vote, says McDonnell https://trib.al/V834QWN
@guardian 6 years ago
Labour could seize option of second Brexit vote, says McDonnell https://trib.al/ljbl1kL
@guardian 6 years ago
'Norway-plus' Brexit option is winning support, says Nicola Sturgeon https://trib.al/wsS6Ibs
@nytimesworld 6 years ago
Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the opposition Labour Party, appeared to soften his opposition to another Brexit referendum. A second referendum was “an option for the future, but it’s not an option for today,” he said. https://nyti.ms/2DLqGB6
@guardian 6 years ago
'An option for the future': Corbyn on second Brexit referendum – video https://trib.al/rE2vxBY
@nytimesworld 6 years ago
Could there be a second referendum? If Parliament is deadlocked on Brexit and lawmakers don’t want a general election, there is really only one option left for Britain to avoid a brutal no-deal departure https://nyti.ms/2QNNQtp