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7 years ago
UK has much to offer EU on foreign and security policy but needs to spell out how it will work
7 years ago
Will Brexit ground flights to Europe?
7 years ago
Six Days in September – Black Wednesday, Brexit and the making of Europe
7 years ago
Why the EU will have to start talking about trade soon
7 years ago
Is there a basis for UK-EU compromise on enforcement and dispute settlement and the role of the ECJ?
7 years ago
Progress on the Irish border issue will require both sides to start talking trade
7 years ago
Free movement will end in 2019, but its short-term replacement will not look too different
7 years ago
The view from Brussels: How negotiations between the UK and the EU on Brexit financial settlement are slowly making progress
7 years ago
Post-Brexit London is open for business (no matter how grubby)
7 years ago
Brussels and the UK have already started to soften their positions in Brexit negotiations
7 years ago
Open Europe event asks: can Europe muddle through its multiple crises?
7 years ago
Fishing might be one area where the Opposition won’t want to oppose Brexit
7 years ago
Salisbury convention is far from clear on Brexit
7 years ago
Deloitte study finds that the German car industry would be severely hit by a ‘no deal’ Brexit
7 years ago
What does the Queen’s Speech mean for Brexit?
7 years ago
As the Labour Party’s influence grows, it must clarify its Brexit strategy
7 years ago
EEA membership: viable in the short-term, but an unsuitable long-term solution
7 years ago
What is behind the fall in net migration figures?
7 years ago
Dr. Ted Malloch on “What the new US Presidential administration means for Brexit and the EU”
7 years ago
What does the Labour Party manifesto leak tell us about their Brexit policy?
7 years ago
Proposed role for ECJ is biggest stumbling block to Brexit talks progressing
7 years ago
The EU’s draft Brexit guidelines look anything but punitive
7 years ago
Theresa May triggers Article 50 – what next?
8 years ago
The Netherlands just issued two friendly reports on Brexit
8 years ago
A glimpse at EU member states’ guidelines for the Brexit negotiations
8 years ago
Juncker has “four or five scenarios” in mind for EU integration after Brexit
8 years ago
New migration figures show no clear impact of Brexit vote
8 years ago
The view from Brussels: If Britain gets a bad deal, the EU also loses
8 years ago
Europe reacts to Theresa May’s Lancaster House speech
8 years ago
Open Europe responds to Theresa May’s Lancaster House speech
8 years ago
What might legal case over EU-Singapore trade deal mean for Brexit?
8 years ago
Brexit negotiations will be led by national governments
8 years ago
Leaked City memo: Davis’ stance on single market more significant than on transition
8 years ago
The view from Brussels: Interview with “Merkel’s man in Brussels”, German MEP David McAllister
8 years ago
How might the election of a centre-right French president affect Brexit negotiations?
8 years ago
Trump and EU moves towards ‘two-speed’ defence illustrate need for positive UK offer on European security
8 years ago
What does today’s Article 50 ruling mean for the Government’s Brexit plans?
8 years ago
Brexit: The view from Rome
8 years ago
Understanding regulatory equivalence – an effective fall-back option for UK financial services after Brexit?
8 years ago
How the UK’s financial services sector can continue thriving after Brexit
8 years ago
We’re getting a little clearer on what Brexit means but there’s much we still don’t or cannot know
8 years ago
Beers of Europe, Conservative Party Conference
8 years ago
Brexit and its impact on financial services – where next for the City of London?
8 years ago
Testing the limits of the post-Brexit deal, Conservative Party Conference
8 years ago
Testing the limits of the post-Brexit deal, Labour Party Conference
8 years ago
Beers of Europe, Labour Party Conference
8 years ago
Guy Verhofstadt is the European Parliament’s top Brexit negotiator – what does it mean?
8 years ago
Points-based or work permit immigration system? The UK needs the best of both
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