Polling has found that more than half of Boris Johnson’s supporters in the Conservative Party joined after the 2016 Brexit referendum. Now there are questions about whether this new wave is a radicalizing force. nyti.ms
What questions do you have about Brexit and Theresa May's resignation? @_StephenCastle and @benjmueller will be live answering your questions about May, Brexit and the future of Britain from @nytimesworld on Thursday, June 6, at 10 a.m. ET.
"If he has no policies, no Brexit plan and won't answer questions about things he's actually said, why exactly is Farage doing interviews?" theneweuropean.co.uk
We're going to be recording our podcast in front of a live audience on Sunday and we want to hear your Brexit questions that can be put to @sanglesey, @porritt and @Andrew_Adonis. Tweet them here! #tnepodt.co
"It may not be the Irish border problem that proves thorniest for Brexit. Instead, it is Gibraltar, and the questions hanging over its future border with either its British sovereign or its Spanish neighbour." theneweuropean.co.uk
With the Brexit 'bribes' and the health secretary answering questions on transport matters have we reached "peak banana republic"? theneweuropean.co.uk