@guardian 6 years ago
No-deal Brexit ferry company owns no ships and has never run Channel service https://trib.al/oqj4SSQ
@rt.com 6 years ago
Thousands of troops ‘ready’ in case of no-deal Brexit – Defence Secretary stokes fear of chaos
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
How leaving the EU would affect UK's defence and security; the dire consequences of Brexit for service families with EU relatives; and the increasing menace of the far right. @Vets4EU https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/veterans-for-europe-brexit-fears-1-5781303
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Head of NI civil service 'deeply concerned' about no-deal Brexit https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/head-of-northern-ireland-civil-service-deeply-concerned-about-no-deal-brexit-1-5699281
@guardian 6 years ago
Civil service specialists dissatisfied with UK handling of Brexit https://trib.al/VUfEHFJ
@guardian 6 years ago
Rethink of Brexit vote may be necessary, ex-civil service head warns https://trib.al/sxyWxlg
@guardian 6 years ago
Take fright on Brexit: even the civil service head is telling us to panic | Polly Toynbee https://trib.al/bXkgdYo
@guardian 6 years ago
Take fright on Brexit: even the civil service head is telling us to panic | Polly Toynbee https://trib.al/zBJMfGS
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
London mayor warns of cliff-edge scenario for service industries after Brexit https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/london-mayor-sadiq-khan-warns-of-cliff-edge-scenario-for-service-industries-after-brexit-1-5578276 https://t.co/iwJUMZTUvh
@guardian 6 years ago
Davis under pressure to disown criticism of civil service chief on Brexit https://trib.al/2OSuyn1
@theatlantic.com 6 years ago
The Foreign Leaders Trump Favors
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit: Jacob Rees-Mogg revives attacks on Hammond and civil service - Politics live https://trib.al/rUkgnrv
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
Former cabinet secretary Lord Gus O'Donnell has said attacks on the civil service for allegedly sabotaging Brexit are "completely crazy" http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/gus-odonnell-brexit-sabotage-1-5381485 https://t.co/e2TuFBptVS
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit attacks on civil service are reminiscent of 'Nazi Germany’, says former cabinet secretary https://trib.al/HnctMNi
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit attacks on civil service ‘are worthy of 1930s Germany’ https://trib.al/FQPV2N5
@channel4.com 7 years ago
Theresa May dodges questions while tensions grow over Brexit phase two
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit minister accused for second time of maligning civil service https://trib.al/j6Z8QFT
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit minister accused for second time of maligning civil service https://trib.al/nXnBYGC
@guardian 7 years ago
Civil service reports on Brexit are criticised for padding and plagiarism https://trib.al/UhvhIf5
@guardian 7 years ago
Civil service reports on Brexit are criticised for padding and plagiarism https://trib.al/H9bW8Rs
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
False claims about the NHS helped tip the referendum. But as the threat from Brexit to the health service becomes clearer, it must now be the battleground on which the argument is finally won. http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/fight-against-brexit-nhs-1-5284960
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit uncertainty hits new business for UK service sector https://trib.al/mwEpvHX
@guardian 7 years ago
UK service sector growth slows amid Brexit uncertainty and weak pound http://trib.al/zawrS5r
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit: former civil service head warns Theresa May of chaos http://trib.al/eHsZkgh
@guardian 7 years ago
Former civil service head warns Theresa May of Brexit chaos http://trib.al/5YeC2YF
@guardian 7 years ago
Former civil service head warns Theresa May of Brexit chaos http://trib.al/blNMDR0
@guardian 7 years ago
Observer front page, Sunday 16 July 2017: Former civil service head warns May of Brexit chaos https://t.co/zh5AvH7ufc
@guardian 7 years ago
Former civil service head warns Theresa May of Brexit chaos http://trib.al/ycW2wKD
@guardian 7 years ago
Could a big Tory win help civil service cope with Brexit? | David Walker http://trib.al/TI58Nv9
@guardian 7 years ago
Could a big win Tory win help civil service Brexit plan? | David Walker http://trib.al/grw3lmf
@guardian 7 years ago
UK needs immigration to keep service industries going, says ONS http://trib.al/3WuexsQ
@dezeen.com 7 years ago
UK government uses European Union tendering service to call for post-Brexit passport design
@guardian 7 years ago
NHS to fast-track nurses as record EU staff leave service after Brexit vote http://trib.al/tr2bci8
@guardian 7 years ago
Brexit with no trade deal would cause 'significant damage' to service sector, say Peers - Politics live http://trib.al/s1L1TzK
@guardian 7 years ago
Peers say Brexit with no trade deal would cause 'significant damage' to service sector - Politics live http://trib.al/9uMbkpB
@guardian 7 years ago
Peers say Brexit with no trade deal would cause 'significant damage' to service sector - Politics live http://trib.al/W5Vo6Ln
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit won't kill the civil service – but if you use public services, be afraid http://trib.al/tESLqSD
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit helps kill Francis Maude's hated civil service 'rank and yank' system http://trib.al/zmU2KUs
@guardian 8 years ago
UK service sector recovers after Brexit dip but inflation looms http://trib.al/eLxe67z
@guardian 8 years ago
Civil service unable to cope with Brexit, warns former Whitehall chief http://trib.al/gWPO9ap
@guardian 8 years ago
Civil service unable to cope with Brexit, warns former Whitehall chief http://trib.al/mHL9lTl
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit: civil service facing its largest task since WWII, says union http://trib.al/jSKCk1M
@guardian 8 years ago
Want to get on in the civil service? Brexit is now the only game in town http://trib.al/va1xNb2
@guardian 8 years ago
Why jury service restored my faith in Brexit Britain http://trib.al/XE61oRM
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit is not inevitable, says former civil service chief http://trib.al/MDET0HU
@WSJ 8 years ago
Britain’s civil service confronts Brexit unprepared http://on.wsj.com/29otVej
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit live: Former civil service chief says Brexit withdrawal negotiations should not start until 2017 http://trib.al/duRBxT7
@guardian 8 years ago
NHS chief says Brexit would be dangerous for health service http://trib.al/JeXMaMX