“I think, to me, a border poll is far too divisive at this stage, it doesn’t deal with the more fundamental issue of how we continue to live and work together as we all live on this island, particularly in a post-Brexit scenario.” buff.ly
"You would think, during a pandemic, the government would put its Brexit dogma aside. But, for this government, it’s Brexit over vaccines." theneweuropean.co.uk
“Celebrating imposing economic sanctions on itself and celebrating the abolition of freedoms enjoyed by its own citizens, that’s Brexit Britain and it’s, I think, unique." buff.ly
“I am used to looking back at things after the event... I think that is what we should do with Brexit. Look back at what we have learnt since 2016 and be able to give an opinion on where we are now in 2019.” theneweuropean.co.uk
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is betting Brexit voters care more about leaving than about past political allegiances. What do people in Newcastle-under-Lyme think? on.wsj.com
Some Britons see opportunity in Brexit turmoil. “It’s a horrible thing to say, but when the pound’s falling, you think to yourself now’s the time to buy gold.” on.wsj.com
Some Britons see opportunity in Brexit turmoil. “It’s a horrible thing to say, but when the pound’s falling, you think to yourself now’s the time to buy gold.” on.wsj.com
On failure to work together effectively to stop a no-deal Brexit, the MP said: "I think it extends across the political spectrum and I don't exclude my own party from this." theneweuropean.co.uk