Boris Johnson, the Brexit cheerleader who's won President Trump's praise, has cut his hair—and his gaffe-prone quips—in his second run to be prime minister
Boris Johnson, the Brexit cheerleader who's won President Trump's praise, has cut his hair—and his gaffe-prone quips—in his second run to be prime minister
The five firmly pro-People’s Vote parties - the Lib Dems, Greens, SNP, Change UK and Plaid Cymru - won 40% of the vote compared to 35% for The Brexit Party and UKIP.
In the past, Theresa May had agreed to step down if her Brexit plan — which has failed 3 times — won approval in Parliament. Now, she has effectively agreed to leave whether her plan passes or not.
For the first time in two years of negotiations over Brexit, Parliament voted on a catalog of alternatives to Prime Minister Theresa May's plan. None won a majority, but once-radical options like holding a second referendum got more support than expected.
Theresa May’s ‘Dancing Queen’ routine ahead of her big speech went viral. But does it mean she’s finally won over the youth of today? No, argues @Chevilang, but scrapping Brexit would be a start
“The French won the argument that the E.U. has to come out more firmly against Chequers," said an analyst, referring to the controversial Brexit plan that Theresa May has said is the only workable one on the table
False claims about the NHS helped tip the referendum. But as the threat from Brexit to the health service becomes clearer, it must now be the battleground on which the argument is finally won.