MPs should resist the pressure to accept any old Brexit deal and stand up to the new nationalism by demanding another people’s vote, says Labour MP @OwenSmith_MP
A three-centuries-old spat over Gibraltar, the rocky British outpost on the Iberian peninsula, could further vex Britain's hopes for a smooth Brexit
The young stand to lose the most from Brexit. But, ahead of a series of anti-Brexit events this weekend, 16-year-old activist Leo Buckley offers a rallying cry
A centuries-old debate about how Ireland should be governed has been reopened. And the Irish question in turn will play a role in determining what form Brexit takes.
George Freeman MP has warned the UK could become “an old people’s home that can’t pay for itself” after Brexit. He was imagining what a bad deal could mean.
RT @pollytoynbee: Do the young wish The Who generation had died before we got old? My col talking about my mean Brexit generation
RT @ianlovelandUK: And the award for the best speech on Brexit so far goes to... this 8 year old girl in @TheNewEuropean. Give her a m…
RT @SKZCartoons: My toon: Hopes and dreams (v3)This is old but got reworked extensively post-release#Brexit #BrexitshamblesFB:…