Moderates in the Conservative Party face an excruciating dilemma. They know the tide of sentiment among activists in their party is strongly pro-Brexit. But they fear leaving the bloc without a deal would be damaging to the country and their party.
It’s not the short-term jolt you need to fear - it’s the years of grind and decline. @jamesrbuk on the reality of a no deal Brexit.
Prime Minister Theresa May is hoping that, if Parliament remains divided, she might use the fear of a disorderly Brexit to squeeze her deal through, perhaps after winning some last-minute concessions from Brussels
Boris Johnson pooh-poohed concerns over the Irish border in Brexit. “That fear of short-term disruption has become so huge in people’s minds that it’s turning them all wet,” Mr. Johnson said. “Project Fear is really working on them.”
"The promise of a hard Brexit did not yield expected electoral benefits last year; historically, loss of power, or fear of it, has preceded party rethinks."
"The promise of a hard Brexit did not yield expected electoral benefits last year; historically, loss of power, or fear of it, has preceded party rethinks."
"My passion to halt the madness of Brexit comes not from a love of Europe, but a love of Britain, and a fear that we are opting for national economic, political and cultural decline"
The right-wing media’s furore over George Soros’ donation to the anti-Brexit cause was because they fear his money could derail Brexit