Scotland’s first minister told the Scottish Parliament that if Britain leaves the European Union, “a choice between Brexit and a future for Scotland as an independent European nation should be offered in the lifetime of this Parliament.”
The Brexit vote leaves the prime minister's policy in ruins and casts the nation’s politics into further confusion, with the scheduled departure date two weeks away
Pro-Brexit activists are mobilizing across Britain to ensure the country leaves the EU as scheduled on March 29 amid competing efforts for a new referendum
The political situation in Northern Ireland leaves many unionists unrepresented and Brexit is serving only to heighten this sense of disconnect.
U.K.'s May narrowly beats back leadership challenge, quelling a rebellion that leaves her politically wounded and the route to Brexit unclear
Dithering former Brexit secretary David Davis has claimed that the “benefits” that Brexiteers were hoping for when the UK leaves the EU are starting to “vanish”
U.K. government hopes the white paper will inject fresh momentum into Brexit talks with less than nine months to go until Britain leaves the bloc
Is this the week that Boris Johnson finally leaves his cabinet position? Even if it is, neither he nor any other Brexit hard-liner can be assured of toppling Theresa May in a leadership contest.
Is this the week that Boris Johnson finally leaves his cabinet position? Even if it is, neither he nor any other Brexit hard-liner can be assured of toppling Theresa May in a leadership contest.
"To weaponise a ban on plastic straws to win over a public increasingly concerned about Brexit is sheer brassneck when the environment, wildlife and public health are at risk from weakened standards and regulation after the UK leaves."