Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis has been left frustrated by a government minister’s failure to answer a simple question on Brexit.
Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis has been left frustrated by a Brexit minister’s failure to answer a simple question on Brexit
Financial markets yawned at the failure of Theresa May’s Brexit deal, but betting markets are showing a much altered landscape
Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain is in a desperate race to make the defeat of her Brexit plan a routine one rather than a historic failure
The government's failure to set out a post-Brexit immigration policy has been sharply criticised by MPs.
"If - highly unlikely - Brexit is a success, the Tories get the credit; if – almost certain even by their own yardsticks – it is a failure, then the two parties will share the blame."
Brexit is the result of an English delusion, a crisis of identity resulting from a failure to come to terms with the loss of empire and the end of its own exceptionalism.
It was years of failure by then prime minister David Cameron and home secretary Theresa May that caused Brexit says @RichardAngell
"Labour has ittle interest in resisting Brexit as opposed to reaping the party political benefits of failure," says @vincecable
Davis' main area of failure comes around his ever-changing story on reports about the effect of Brexit on 58 different sectors of the UK economy.
Failure to complete the first phase of Brexit negotiations is costing UK pharmaceutical companies "an enormous amount of money", industry representatives have warned
Brexit is the result of an English delusion, resulting from a failure to come to terms with the loss of empire >>…
RT @guardiannews: 2️⃣ Juncker says there will be no #Brexit punishment bill, but that the UK leaving the EU is a tragedy and a failure
RT @BBCBreaking: Brexit is "a tragedy and a failure" - @JunckerEU's exclusive BBC interview as UK prepares to trigger EU exit proces…