Could Theresa May’s replacement force through a no-deal Brexit? | Maddy Thimont Jack
Nancy Pelosi on why Irish-US diplomacy is a powerful force in Brexit talks
”There was always going to come a moment when the irresistible force of tribal partisan loyalties and distrust of the opposition came up against the immovable object of a no-deal Brexit deadline,” said a professor
The U.K. government’s attempt to force another vote to approve a Brexit deal was blocked by the speaker of the House of Commons on Monday
Labour plan to force May to put her Brexit plan to decisive vote
Stocks, currencies and the economy have all felt the force of Brexit uncertainty and are in line yet again to be pushed around by the latest political developments
Anti-Brexit campaigners out in force around Parliament Square ahead of Commons vote
'The day the music dies': no-deal Brexit set to force roadies off the road
'The day the music dies': no-deal Brexit set to force roadies off the road
UKIP's MEPs turned up in force to debate in the European Parliament in Strasbourg – because the subject of their entitlements after Brexit was on the agenda
Michael White on the injustices that urgently need to be tackled in politics but are being prevented by Brexit. From falling purchasing power of wage packets to boarded-up high street shops to the demoralised police force and inflated rents.
Shortfall in carers after Brexit could force women to quit work, report warns
"Without clarity, then it's too dangerous for us to proceed." Airbus warns the British government that uncertainty over Brexit could force it to rethink its operations in the country.
Brexit rebels failed in their bid to force the government’s hand over a ‘meaningful vote’ - but how did your MP vote?
Labour is launching a new parliamentary bid to force the government to release details of its proposals for post-Brexit customs arrangements on the Irish border.