@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Met police chief raises concerns about Brexit impact on security measures https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/met-police-chief-cressida-dick-raises-concerns-about-brexit-impact-on-security-measures-1-5831954
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
At least 500 crimes mentioning Brexit have been reported to police since the referendum, shocking new figures have shown https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/at-least-500-brexit-related-crimes-since-referendum-figures-show-1-5829588
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Met police rush to set up no-deal Brexit 'safety net unit' https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/met-police-rush-to-set-up-no-deal-brexit-safety-net-unit-1-5765316
@guardian 6 years ago
Metropolitan police rush to set up Brexit 'no deal safety net' unit https://trib.al/2GU1jeN
@nytimesworld 6 years ago
He was known as the "godfather of Brexit." Now the U.K. police are investigating Arron Banks and his political donations. https://nyti.ms/2Q7CrUO
@guardian 6 years ago
Police predict rise in hate crime as Brexit approaches https://trib.al/Cy13Idw
@guardian 6 years ago
Police will not examine claims of Russian meddling in Brexit vote https://trib.al/gI3cBvG
@guardian 6 years ago
Police will not examine claims of Russian meddling in Brexit vote https://trib.al/zs1cZCD
@guardian 6 years ago
MP demands Met police explain why Brexit inquiry dropped https://trib.al/AQNsqcQ
@guardian 6 years ago
Police chiefs: no-deal Brexit would mean loss of crime-fighting tools https://trib.al/oStQF1y
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Michael White on the injustices that urgently need to be tackled in politics but are being prevented by Brexit. From falling purchasing power of wage packets to boarded-up high street shops to the demoralised police force and inflated rents. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/michael-white-brexit-politicians-reform-1-5663728
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Hard Brexit poses risk to public, warn police chiefs https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/hard-brexit-poses-risk-to-public-police-chiefs-say-1-5640943
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
There would be a risk to the public from a Hard Brexit, police chiefs have warned https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/hard-brexit-poses-risk-to-public-police-chiefs-say-1-5640943
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Hard Brexit poses risk to public, police chiefs say https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/hard-brexit-poses-risk-to-public-police-chiefs-say-1-5640943
@guardian 6 years ago
Police leaders warn of public safety threat from no-deal Brexit https://trib.al/3JBpzZy
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Police called to more racist hate crimes after spike around Brexit vote https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/police-called-to-more-racist-hate-crimes-after-spike-around-brexit-vote-1-5624873
@guardian 6 years ago
Brexit will trigger rise in hate crimes, warns police watchdog https://trib.al/76JOiaw
@guardian 6 years ago
Brexit will trigger rise in hate crimes, warns police watchdog https://trib.al/e4J9Efc
@TheNewEuropean 6 years ago
Vote Leave has been slapped with a fine and reported to the police over spending breaches during the Brexit referendum https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/vote-leave-broke-election-law-1-5610079
@guardian 6 years ago
No UK access to EU-only police databases after Brexit, says Barnier - Politics live https://trib.al/79BieZy
@guardian 6 years ago
No UK access to EU-only police databases after Brexit, says Barnier - Politics live https://trib.al/o9JOy6q
@guardian 6 years ago
No UK access to EU-only police databases after Brexit, says Barnier - Politics live https://trib.al/oHJtTDr
@guardian 6 years ago
Guardian front page, Monday 11 June 2018: MPs call for police inquiry into Brexit donor's Kremlin links https://t.co/SMCUGtpyHf
@guardian 6 years ago
Brexit: Northern Irish police ask for more funds to protect border https://trib.al/Bcc75kn
@theatlantic.com 6 years ago
The Reinvention of America
@nytimesworld 7 years ago
With over a year to go before Brexit, Prime Minister Theresa May put her strongest card on the table at a security conference in Munich: Britain’s defense and police capabilities. She urged European partners to swiftly agree to a new security treaty. http://nyti.ms/2Fc2x4n
@nytimesworld 7 years ago
With over a year to go before Brexit, Prime Minister Theresa May put her strongest card on the table at a security conference in Munich: Britain’s defense and police capabilities. She urged European partners to swiftly agree a new security treaty. http://nyti.ms/2CppM7X
@guardian 7 years ago
Police investigate death threats against Brexit supporters https://trib.al/ZwOY4NP
@guardian 7 years ago
Police chief says 'hard Brexit' Irish border would be paramilitary target https://trib.al/IcGpzyu
@guardian 7 years ago
N Ireland police chief says 'hard Brexit' border posts would be paramilitary target https://trib.al/CEdlgwI
@guardian 7 years ago
Coming next, a Brexit divorce: the kind that involves the police| Marina Hyde https://trib.al/nX9scTB
@guardian 7 years ago
Coming next, a Brexit divorce: the kind that involves the police| Marina Hyde https://trib.al/9eE8b3I
@TheNewEuropean 7 years ago
The ‘morality police’ of Brexit are closing down debate. Don't let Leavers control the narrative any more. http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/dont-let-leavers-control-1-5254783 https://t.co/0qRPU50y2a
@WSJ 7 years ago
Some differences narrowed in the second round of Brexit talks. One big question: Who gets to police the agreement? http://on.wsj.com/2uNnAYJ
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit border 'would make sitting ducks of Northern Ireland police' http://trib.al/oAEp03x
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit could draw more criminals to the UK, says police chief http://trib.al/csf1Xdu
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit could draw more criminals to the UK, says police chief http://trib.al/eNAZsdf
@guardian 8 years ago
Police report fivefold rise in race-hate complaints since Brexit result http://trib.al/ujOQk9i
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit: police investigate racist hate-mail aimed at Polish immigrants – live http://trib.al/r56407m