Parliament has twice rejected the agreement that Mrs. May negotiated with the European Union for Britain’s departure, known as Brexit, and both times the D.U.P. has voted against it, largely because of concerns about the Irish border.
Jeremy Clarkson says as someone who's "pro-European" the prospect of Brexit is a "thousand times" worse than Trump running America.
Enthusiasts for British departure from the EU are focusing fury on a curious aspect of their own country's constitution: the unelected House of Lords, which has voted against the government 14 times on Brexit legislation
Enthusiasts for British departure from the EU are focusing fury on a curious aspect of their own country's constitution: the unelected House of Lords, which has voted against the government 14 times on Brexit legislation
"The notion that Corbyn could give May a free pass in October is fanciful. How can he oppose the worst government in recent times – not just Brexit, but Windrush and austerity – and lose an opportunity to eviscerate it?"
It’s been revealed that the Brexit secretary uses a private RAF plane to travel to and from Brussels for EU negotiations, costing taxpayers up to five times as much as regular air travel.