Theresa May survived to fight another day, but her win did nothing to alter the parliamentary arithmetic that forced her to delay a critical vote on her plan for withdrawal from the European Union, or Brexit.
There is no shortage of contenders for Theresa May's job. Some are ardently pro-Brexit and others, like Mrs. May, voted to stay in the European Union in 2016.
As Theresa May faces a crucial Parliament vote on her Brexit plan, an official report says Britons would be better off staying inside the European Union.
After a breakdown in Brexit talks, the UK's Theresa May faces a new test as she meets European Union leaders. Things could get worse, with warnings that a no-deal Brexit is more likely that ever.
Blind leading the blind? Theresa May is meeting European Union leaders in Austria and for once they seem to have the same idea: a vague "Blind Brexit" that defers hard issues for another two years.
The Brexit minister wouldn't put money on Britain exiting the European Union on the date Theresa May set.
Checks at the Irish border will be "unavoidable" under Theresa May's Brexit plans for the UK to leave the single market and customs union, Michel Barnier has warned