@guardian 8 years ago
Blair says Brexit can be stopped - Politics live http://trib.al/Obq8JRl
@guardian 8 years ago
Tony Blair: Brexit could be stopped if Britons change their minds http://trib.al/EGJ8vEu
@guardian 8 years ago
Tony Blair calls on remain voters to mobilise against Brexit http://trib.al/PbrW9yM
@BBCWorld 8 years ago
RT @BBCRosAtkins: Tony Blair says the priority is to stabilise the country across the political divide. #Brexit @BBCWorld https://t.co/KXdhoQq1rG
@BBCWorld 8 years ago
RT @BBCRosAtkins: Tony Blair tells BBC that David Cameron was right not to invoke article 50. #Brexit https://t.co/BSo5LBdeN4
@BBCWorld 8 years ago
RT @BBCNews: Sir John Major & Tony Blair say a vote for #Brexit could split the UK http://bbc.in/1YbFBGz #EUref https://t.co/9qpyS6zUUe
@guardian 8 years ago
Tony Blair and John Major: Brexit would close Irish border http://trib.al/96QKT2e