There are more events being organised at Parliament today, and over the coming days, as MPs return and the Lords vote on the Brexit bill.
As MPs return to Parliament, and ahead of the Lords voting on the Brexit bill, there will be a big protest against Brexit outside the Houses of Parliament on Monday.
After the opening salvos over the Brexit bill in the House of Lords, the Lib Dem leader there, @RichardNewby3, looks ahead to the next round of battles
After the opening salvos over the Brexit bill in the House of Lords, the Lib Dem leader in the Lords Dick Newby looks ahead to the next round of battles.
" Now we all know the reason why Brexit Secretary David Davis looked such a shambles when he appeared before the House of Lords European Union committee at the start of this week."
It is an "illusion" to think key Brexit legislation will have an "untroubled passage" through the House of Lords, Ken Clarke has told MPs
RT @ChrisMasonBBC: BREAKING: The Brexit Bill has cleared the Lords unamended allowing the Prime Minister to begin talks on a divorce deal for leaving the EU.