There will be a "special place in hell" for British politicians who promoted Brexit without any plan for how to deliver it, says the European council president
If Jeremy Corbyn helps Theresa May to deliver Brexit, voters will never forgive him, writes @mk1969.
Brexit has not delivered, and will never deliver, what they want, a reversal of history...
David Cameron wants parliament to deliver Brexit.
One of Prime Minister Theresa May's big problems is that most of the best-known supporters of Brexit in the 2016 referendum campaign say today that her deal doesn't deliver what they had promised
Theresa May: "Does this House want to deliver Brexit?" Commons: "No!"
Theresa May got an unexpected response when she asked the Commons if it still wanted to deliver Brexit
The European Court of Justice will deliver its ruling on whether the UK can unilaterally revoke its withdrawal from the EU the day the crunch vote on the prime minister’s Brexit deal.
Podcast | Today in Focus: Can Theresa May deliver Brexit? The Guardian’s political editor Heather Stewart looks at the groups in the House of Commons that May will need to win over before 29 March. Plus: Caroline Davies on Prince Charles at 70 Listen now:
"Brexit is not in trouble because of those of us who oppose it. It is in trouble because those who are most enthusiastic about it cannot deliver the fantasy they promise."
The U.K. is on the brink of a political crisis as Prime Minister Theresa May struggles to deliver on her Brexit promises, @Simon_Nixon writes
The evidence reveals Brexit will deliver the opposite of what Jacob Rees-Mogg promises - higher prices, lower standards, and a crippling blow to some UK industries.
The evidence reveals Brexit will deliver the opposite of what Jacob Rees-Mogg promises - higher prices, lower standards, and a crippling blow to some UK industries.
Even a cursory look at the evidence reveals Jacob Rees-Mogg's Brexit vision would deliver the opposite: higher prices, lower standards, and a crippling blow to some UK industries.
Tory hardliner Jacob Rees-Mogg threatens the Lords with "fundamental reform" if they fail to deliver the Brexit he demands
Remarkable that these Brextremists no longer even bother to make the case Brexit will be good for Britain, just we have to deliver it because people voted for it.
"A source of national pride, established in a post-war era of appreciation of what actually matters most in life, the NHS is in no state to withstand the grievous blows which Brexit will deliver."