Lawmakers in British Parliament are trying to take control of plans for leaving the EU, turning the arcane parliamentary procedure of adding amendments into high drama. Here's a guide to the process at the center of the Brexit debate.
Lawmakers in British Parliament are trying to take control of plans for leaving the EU, turning the arcane parliamentary procedure of adding amendments into high drama. Here's a guide to the process at the center of the Brexit debate.
With Brexit hitting 'boiling point' again the nation is encouraged to watch @mrjamesgraham's Brexit drama for a reminder of the consequences.
'Brexit: The Uncivil War' writer James Graham: "As the characters discuss in the drama there’s a false binary to the referendum which pretends something is either this or that. It’s way more complicated than that."
If the Brexit drama somehow ends with Britain staying in the EU, the betrayal felt by many Britons would be unprecedented, says
If the Brexit drama somehow ends with Britain staying in the EU, the betrayal felt by many Britons would be unprecedented, says
Danny Boyle is to direct James Graham’s controversial Brexit drama... and asks is the Daily Mail’s Paul Dacre about to take charge of the Telegraph?