Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s tight Brexit timetable could make it tough for Britain to strike a trade deal with the European Union by year’s end
Parliament advanced Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan with little of the drama seen in past votes, paving the way for Britain’s January exit from the E.U.
Boris Johnson’s government said it would leave a post-Brexit standstill period at the end of next year, with or without a trade deal with the European Union
Paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland that have been quiescent for decades are beginning to reorganize, driven by economic stagnation, political paralysis and the potential impact of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan.
Paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland that have been quiescent for decades are beginning to reorganize, driven by economic stagnation, political paralysis and the potential impact of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan.
If Boris Johnson’s pro-Brexit Tories capture a large portion of former Labour voters in next week’s election, it will transform British politics and galvanize conservatives across the West, writes