@BBCWorld 8 years ago
Hard #Brexit would cause recession in UK, chief economic adviser at Allianz Mohamed El-Erian tells @BBCHARDtalk http://bbc.in/2g7dp6F
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit is an ultra-delicate manoeuvre that needs a measured approach | Mohamed El-Erian http://trib.al/bVJbddY
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
RT @DanBilefsky: After ‘Brexit’ vote, immigrants in the British town of Boston say there has been one resounding message: "Go home!" -http://nyti.ms/29qfqaC
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
RT @sewellchan: Only #Chilcot upside may be the distraction it provides from #Brexit. Here is our latest on that crisis: http://nyti.ms/29hGAzG
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
RT @DanBilefsky: Nigel Farage, the man who spurred referendum on Brexit, steps down as UKIP leader - http://nyti.ms/1jgcorl
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
RT @sewellchan: "Londoners are feeling very odd and alienated these days." @sarahlyall on Brexit and the city's identity: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/world/europe/brexit-upsets-londoners-who-find-harmony-in-a-cultural-cacophony.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share
@guardian 8 years ago
If you value the Guardian's coverage of Brexit, please help to fund it | Katharine Viner http://trib.al/kwFf2mN
@guardian 8 years ago
If you value the Guardian's coverage of Brexit, please help to fund it | Katharine Viner http://trib.al/l4hyOcf
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
RT @DanBilefsky: Turns out the victim of racist taunts on a tram in Manchester is a Mexican-American who backed Brexit-http://nyti.ms/2931UJf
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
RT @sewellchan: Turns out the man who faced racist insults on a Manchester tram…is a Mexican-American who backs Brexit: http://nyti.ms/2931UJf @DanBilefsky
@guardian 8 years ago
If you value the Guardian's coverage of Brexit, please help to fund it | Katharine Viner http://trib.al/xny57a0
@guardian 8 years ago
What would electing Donald Trump be like? Like Brexit | Richard Wolffe http://trib.al/NNZJZJh
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
RT @DanBilefsky: As Migrants Face Abuse, Fear That ‘Brexit’ Has Given License to Xenophobia - http://nyti.ms/299heX2
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit: Katharine Viner and Gary Younge answer your questions - Q&A http://gu.com/p/4mkzq/stw < ask a question now via @guardianopinion
@guardian 8 years ago
Brexit: Katharine Viner and Gary Younge answer your questions - Q&A http://trib.al/7TKSAR0
@BBCWorld 8 years ago
RT @BBCNewsUS: There's a connection between Donald Trump's rise and the #Brexit referendum, writes @KattyKayBBC http://bbc.in/28TSAbH
@nytimesworld 8 years ago
RT @DanBilefsky: Check out the New York Times live blog on Brexit, as this nail-biting, momentous vote soon begins. http://www.nytimes.com/live/eu-referendum/