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" angela merkel "
3 years ago
After Brexit, Merkel probably dabbed her eyes – and moved on
3 years ago
Deutschland und Großbritannien: Eine skeptische Kanzlerin auf Abschiedstour
3 years ago
G-7-Gipfel in Cornwall: EU drängt Johnson zur Einhaltung des Brexit-Vertrags
3 years ago
G-7-Gipfel in Cornwall: Macron: Briten müssen Brexit-Vertrag einhalten
3 years ago
G-7-Gipfel in Cornwall: Macron: Briten müssen Brexit-Vertrag einhalten
4 years ago
Brexit 'evolution clause' is biggest issue to be resolved, says Merkel
4 years ago
Budgets, vetoes, values, defence … division and dithering shame the EU
4 years ago
Brexit negotiations expected to resume despite UK's tough rhetoric
4 years ago
Merkel urges Johnson not to abandon Brexit negotiations
4 years ago
No 10 startled by EU insistence that UK accept Brexit trade terms
4 years ago
EU-Gipfel: Besser nicht jedes Wort auf die Goldwaage legen
4 years ago
Ursula von der Leyen says Poland's 'LGBT-free zones' have no place in EU
4 years ago
Germany calls on UK to show more realism in Brexit negotiations
4 years ago
Angela Merkel: UK must live with consequences of weaker ties to EU
5 years ago
El agujero presupuestario provocado por el Brexit desafía la unidad de la UE
5 years ago
EU leaders at odds over filling €75bn Brexit shortfall
5 years ago
Brüssel: Verhärtete Fronten beim EU-Gipfel
5 years ago
German MPs taken aback by Johnson's hardline trade rhetoric
5 years ago
Francia lanza un gran pulso por marcar el futuro de Europa
5 years ago
Can Anglo-German relations survive that disastrous London-Berlin phone call?
5 years ago
Deutschland und Großbritannien: Das Band reißt
5 years ago
Arron Banks apologises for xenophobic tweet targeting Merkel
5 years ago
EU may offer to extend deadline for Brexit deal to summer
5 years ago
Brexit: Der Dünkirchen-Moment
5 years ago
Brexit Deal Deemed ‘Impossible’ After Boris Johnson And Angela Merkel’s Incendiary Phone Call
5 years ago
EU-Austrittsverhandlungen: London hält Brexit-Deal für "ziemlich unmöglich"
5 years ago
EU accuses UK of playing 'stupid blame game' after No 10 briefing
5 years ago
EU-Austritt: London hält Brexit-Gespräche für zum Scheitern verurteilt
5 years ago
Brexit: No 10 giving up hope of deal after deadlock in Johnson call with Merkel - live news
5 years ago
Johnson hints at major reforms to tax and industry post-Brexit
5 years ago
EU's chief negotiator calls Johnson's backstop solution 'unacceptable'
5 years ago
The Guardian view on Yellowhammer: the ugly truth about a no-deal Brexit | Editorial
5 years ago
Merkel warns of danger to EU of Singapore-style UK on its border
5 years ago
Brexit: Johnsons Plan ist so perfide wie genial
5 years ago
Brexit deal solution at risk from ticking clock, not Merkel or Macron
5 years ago
Meinung am Mittag: Brexit: Wenn die Sprachverwirrung um sich greift
5 years ago
Merkel gives Johnson 30 days to find solution to avoid no-deal Brexit
5 years ago
Brexit: Boris Johnson: "Wir schaffen das"
5 years ago
Brexit: Merkel hält Lösung des Irland-Problems für möglich
5 years ago
Johnson llega a Berlín en busca de nuevas condiciones para el Brexit
5 years ago
Besuch in Berlin: Erpressung darf sich für Johnson nicht lohnen
5 years ago
Brexit: Boris Johnson prepares to visit Berlin as minister struggles to defend his 'collaboration' jibe - live news
5 years ago
Boris Johnson 'confident' EU will back down in Brexit talks
5 years ago
The EU banked on parliament rejecting no deal. Now that’s all changed | Anne McElvoy
5 years ago
With Brexit just one of EU's headaches, Merkel avoids rocking the boat
5 years ago
Riven with tensions, Europe is in for a stormy and fractious autumn
5 years ago
Europa se tiñe de inestabilidad
5 years ago
Merkel: Europe must unite to stand up to China, Russia and US
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